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I pull open my front door of my house to see Dustin standing in front of me with a wide smile on his face. His small hands fall from the doorbell on the side of the siding wall.

"Hello." He purrs.

"Dustin! What are you doing here? It's 9 am..." I yawn and give myself a little stretch as I await for an answer from the boy.

"Why are you still in your pyjamas?" Dustin screeches and covers his eyes with his palm. I let out a small chuckle and pull Dustin inside the house then shut the entry door behind him.

"What was our plan today?" I ask as I trail to my bedroom with Dustin hot on my heels.

"We're hiding Dart in my shed until we figure out a plan so he doesn't go around eating more cats."

"Or someone like your mom." I joke and then to look at Dustin who stops in his steps with a frown. "Sorry."

How on earth is this my life right now? Hanging out with kids, having zero friends, and living in a shitty house.

"Where's your mom?" I question the younger boy as I follow Dustin to open his storm cellar located in the backyard then we move back inside the house.

"She's out, still looking for Mews," Dustin answers and opens a spare closet filled with an assortment of junk. "I told her our neighbours saw Mews somewhere so that we have enough time to do this."

"That's so sad," I gasp. I totally don't think she'll ever stop searching for Mews. Dustin takes out a bunch of hockey equipment from the closet then shuts the closet once he's done. He throws the equipment to the ground and moves to the kitchen. I just follow after him. "Will she ever find out the truth?"

"What, that my pet ate my other pet?" Dustin mocks and I pout. Well, when he says it like that...

"Oh... well, the shaded truth?" Dustin bends down to take out his Halloween candy hidden away underneath the sink.

"I haven't thought that far ahead yet." He rummages through his candy and begins picking out all the chocolate nougat.

"Wait, we're luring D'Art to your shed?" I remind Dustin and he nods. "Why are we using chocolate? I don't think your friend would enjoy that as much as he would with meat — especially since he ate your cat."

"What's a step up from cat?" Dustin puts away his chocolate and I move to the refrigerator. I open the fridge and scan for any meat Dustin would potentially prefer.

"Pepperoni?" I offer when I see the packaged food. Dustin nods and I give him the food. We walk out of the kitchen and towards Dustin's room. He says a hushed prayer before throwing the food to the floor. He makes a trail leading it all the way outside of the home and inside the shed, whilst I make sure the pepperoni pieces were close enough together so Dart doesn't wander off in a different direction.

Summer Royalty | Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now