Let's Take a Moment

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[The episode starts off with Enid and Godzilla closing the register, Rad turning off the sign, and K.O covering the cleaning supplies as the audience applauses]

Audience: Awwwww!

K.O: Good night, babies. [Closes the Supplies door]

[Audience laughs]

Enid: Hm. Great job, bud. Looks like we’re all ready to close up.

Carol: [Enters the Bodega] Heya! [Audience cheers, whistles, and applauses] Hey, there. Hey, there!

Enid: Oh.

Enid, Godzilla, & Rad: Hey, K.O.’s mom.

Jr runs up and hugs Enid

Enid: I hope Jr wasn't any trouble

Carol: Nah, he's a Lil angel, by the way, have ou two seen my kid around here? [K.O. pops out of Carol’s hair] Oh!

K.O: [laughs] Hi, momma!

[Mr. Gar whistles as he was about to lock his office]

Carol: Hi, peanut!

Mr. Gar: Huh?

[Rad, Godzilla, Jr, Carol, K.O, and Enid laughs as Mr. Gar looks]

Carol: You think that’s funny?! Well, how about this? Pbbbbbt!

K.O. [Laughs] Mom, stop it.

[Mr. Gar laughs nervously]

Carol: Hm? Hey, Gene.

Mr. Gar: Uh— d— Hi, Carol!
[A rumbling noise is heard. Carol gasps]

Enid: Uh!

Rad: Whoa! What was that?!

Enid: Boxman, maybe? Come on.
Enid & Rad [Runs out of the Bodega] Huh?

[Carol, while K.O., and Mr. Gar runs out as well]

Carol, K.O, & Mr. Gar What?

[Reveals to be Steamborg making the noise]

Rad: What the heck is this thing?! Is that a googly eye with legs?

Enid : I don’t know. I guess it’s like a… robot golem? Mm-mm-mm.

Godzilla: looks like Gan-Q got drained by a giant mosquito.

Steamborg: Silence! [Enid and Rad covers their ears] Destroy POINT. Steamborg want revenge.

Enid: Ugh!

Rad: [Picks his ears] Revenge?

K.O: P.O.I.N.T.?

[Mr. Gar and Carol look at each other]

Steamborg: Must destroy POINT. [Targets and recognizes Mr. Gar’s and Carol’s personas, El-Bow and Silver Spark] Destroy POINT! [Throws his fist to Mr. Gar, however, the time starts to slow down]

Mr. Gar: [Thinking] Carol, we used to be such a good team.

Carol: [Turns around] Eu-ge-e-e-ne!

Mr. Gar: What happened? [Flashbacks to his days at P.O.I.N.T. He dodges a robot] Hyee! [Carol and Mr. Gar fight the robots, as well as other members of P.O.I.N.T.]

Singer: P.O.I.N.T.!

Foxtail: We are powerful operatives.

Singer: P.O.I.N.T.!

Doctor Greyman: And we’re super cooperative.

Singer: P.O.I.N.T.!

Laserblast: We investigate and neutralize every single trouble.

The King of Heros (Godzilla x Ok K.O Harem)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن