Face Your Fears, Godzilla trains

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Rad & K.O: *pants* Mr. Gar, Mr. Gar!

Mr. Gar: Huh?!

Rad: There's this new game at the arcade called the "Face of Fear"! It makes you face
your biggest fears, and adjusts your fear resistance stat depending on how well you do! Look how fearless we've become!

Rad shows Mr. Gar his and K.O's Pow Cards.

Mr. Gar: *mumbles* 10? 15? *blows raspberry*

Mr. Gar: You kids and your videos game, pah! I never needed some cockamamie machine to help me face my own fears!

K.O: What's your fear resistance, Mr. Gar? I bet it's pretty high.

Mr. Gar scoffs.

Mr. Gar: *scoffs* I haven't checked it in a while, it's probably through the roof by now! [pulls out his Pow Card and checks his stats.] It's... eight?!

Rad, K.O., & EnidEight?!

Godzilla: Eight?

Mr. Gar: This is absurd! I guess I haven't updated it in a while, not since I left P.O.I.N.- *chuckles, coughs* *clears throat* What I meant to say was, there'd be no point in me checking, since I'm impervious to fear! Heh, heh.

Enid: Then I guess you wouldn't be afraid of playing the game and updating your info.

Mr. Gar: *groans*

[The scene cuts to in front of Neo-Rama Game Center]

Mr. Gar: I'm onldoing this to set an example for my employees, you know. [Carol passes by] I haven't got anything to prove. This best be worth my time-

Carol humming and turns around.

Carol: Hey, kids! Hey there, Gar.

Mr. Gar acts nervous and stammers.

K.O: Hi, Mom!

Carol: I'll be back around later to pick you up, okay, hon?

K.O: Okay, Mom!

Mr. Gar stammering.

Mr. Gar: Bye, Carol — Huh?!

Carol is gone. Enid appears confused. Scene cuts inside of Neo-Rama Game Center. Dendy is playing a game.

K.O: All righty, Mr. Gar, are you ready?

Rad: There it is!

Enid: The "Face of Fe-e-ar." *chuckles* Just step right up and insert your POW card.

Arcade Game: *beeps* Select difficulty!

Mr. Gar turns difficulty meter.

Arcade Game: Extra hard!
Enid: Uh... I don't know if that's a good idea-
Mr. Gar turns meter past the possible level.

Arcade Game: Super extra hard! *growls, beeps*

Mr. GarKids and their videos and game. Ha!
RadHe's in!

The game screen reads "Terror.

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