You Get Me

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Enid: Ready, K.O?

K.O: I was born ready, Enid. One patented K.O kicky-ball, coming up.

[Enid does tricks with K.O, who is in the shape of a ball]

K.O: Whoo! Perfect form!

Enid: You ready for the big finish? I've been practicing my signature hands-free hot dog.

K.O: Hands-free hot dog! Hands-free hot dog!

(Punching Judy clears her throat.)

Enid: *scoffs* Hold on. Duty calls. Did you find everything you needed? Great. That'll be $8.99. Thanks for shopping at Gar's. Bye. Okay, now, as I was saying—

Pird coughs.

Enid: $2.99, good job shopping, have a nice life, bye. Okay. Now, let's drop this dog quick, before someone else barges in, huh?

Enid grunts and begins the hands-free hotdog trick.

Wally the White: Good evening, young madam. Such lovely weather we're having hmm? Oh, you know, when I was a lad, on nights like this, my father would take me out to harvest mandrakes under the full moon. *chuckles* Once, the pixies in the hallow played upon us a naughty caprice—

Enid: Hyah! [kicks K.O onto the hotdog machine, which send the hotdogs towards a bun she has in her hand]

Wally: Excuse me. Madam, I'm speaking to you, and—

K.O: [bounces on ketchup and mustard bottles and laughs] Whoops. [send relish flying towards Enid, who catches all of the condiments, which form the words Enid ♡ Rules]

Enid: Huh, not bad.

K.O: Not bad? That hot dog is the most impressive thing my body has ever made. This has to be some kind of record.

Enid: phrasing K.O, phrasing.

Wally: Yes, the new in-store record for ignoring the customer!

Enid : Actually, my record for ignoring randos like you is way higher than that. Better luck next time?

Wally: Harumph. You know, young lady, back in my day, the store employees knew that the customer was always right and treated them with respect.

Enid: Well, sir, you have my attention now. What do you want?

Wally: I want to speak to a manager.

Enid: Fine. I'll grab him. [Picks up K.O and puts him on the counter] Here he is.

Wally: That is not the manager. Why, he is but a child.

[K.O. burps]

Enid: Uh... oh, you're right. See, he manages to survive when someone isn't paying attention to him for five seconds, so I got confused. My bad.

Wally: [shakes and causes a thunderstorm behind him] Mark my words, you impudent brat— You will rue the day you ignored the petulant demands of Wally the White.

Enid: Who?

Wally *stammers* Don't you see— Uh- That's me! Aah! [shoots magic at the floor and disappears]

Enid: Bye.

K.O: Hmm. Do you think we went too hard on that guy?

Enid: *scoffs* That old windbag? Don't feel bad for him K.O, he wasn't gonna buy anything. He just wanted someone to talk at.

K.O: But now he thinks you're mean. You aren't mean!

Enid: Well, I'm glad you think so, K.O, but I don't really care if people think I'm mean.

The King of Heros (Godzilla x Ok K.O Harem)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin