CH 34 || Avoid at all Costs

Start from the beginning

A frown crossed his handsome face as he typed while the girl talked animatedly.

I got another text message. Then another one. Suz had to be getting impatient. I stepped behind the pillar and pulled out my phone ready to tell her I'd be there in a second. Only that the messages weren't from Suz at all.

It was Killian.

Sherlock: You know you don't have to stare at me this hard from a distance, princess. Are you done with your lectures for today? Or are you going to keep avoiding me?

Sherlock: Mhm?

Sherlock: Are you ignoring my text messages as well now?

Sherlock: I know I'm handsome but look at your phone.

Sherlock: Princess.

Sherlock: Look.

Sherlock: At.

Sherlock: Your.

Sherlock: Phone.

Sherlock: Sigh*

Sherlock: You have 20 seconds to reply or I'm coming over.

I nearly dropped the phone in a panic when I finally got to the last message. When did it come in?

I was about to type out a reply when it got snatched out of my hand.

Heat washed over my face when a familiar deep voice spoke above my head. "Too slow, princess." Killian's breath caressed my ear as he leaned over my shoulder to look down at me.

There was no way I could explain this without sounding like I was spying on him.

I could do nothing but stare as he stepped around me and took the books. "Let's go."

My heart hammered inside my chest. Act normal. I could do this. How did I usually behave again? "Go...where?" I whispered.

"I'll take you home," he replied in a hushed voice.

"Wait!" I whisper-yelled and rushed after him. "I was going home with Suz, she's actually waiting for me."

"No, she's not," he said under his breath. Then he bent down to speak into my ear. "Why are we whispering?"

"Um... Yes, she is," I declared finally speaking at a normal volume.

He gave me a quick glance. "Don't worry, I already texted her."

I could only blink. "You—did?"


"And she agreed?"

"She threatened me a little but yeah."

So, that was why he had been texting so much while I had been watching him? I wanted to be stubborn and tell him off but the flutter spreading through my stomach made me follow him in silence.

He unlocked his car and put the books into the trunk. I slid into the passenger seat and inhaled. Everything smelled like him. Warmth spread through my chest, and I reclined into the seat, feeling a little better.

"Are you hungry?" he asked as he started the engine.

"No," I lied, but immediately got exposed as my stomach chose that very moment to let out a loud rumble. "I mean I can eat at home," I said quickly.


Good? I gulped and looked outside the passenger window, twisting my hands. Maybe it was better this way.

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