"Relax, Maverick. We are trying to figure out what to do next," Carlos said.

"Maverick, I think you should stay here for this one. We will figure out what to do next. Our enemy has only seen you use your powers. He does not know what I am capable of and he can keep his distance from Carlos and Jared," Shaki said calmly.

"Right!" Both Carlos and I whispered.

"Also, you are kind of loud," Shaki said as she glared at Maverick.

"I don't need y'all anyways," Maverick replied as he looked on, folding his arms again.

"I have an idea," I said as all three turned to me. "Carlos and I can run forward in two different directions. Since you are able to sense us, Shaki, you can find us after everything is done."

"Sounds like a plan," Carlos said as he gave me the thumbs up.

Shaki folded her arms and looked to be deep in thought. "Yeah, only one problem. I sense Pariah. You Jared are not a Pariah. I am not able to sense where you are. You will just have to come and find us somehow. Although, I do not like the idea as it will leave you alone for some time. If this were an actual battle, I would say no. Seeing as we are able to be healed, I will have to be ok with it this time," Shaki replied.

"Didn't think of that," I said dejectedly.

"When do you ever think? Beep Beep!" 4536 piped in from my knapsack.

"Not many options guys. We just need to go through with it and hope for the best. Alright, let us get to it," Carlos jumped in as he put his hand out.

We all placed our hands on his except for Maverick who looked quite perturbed by the situation. It was understandable. It was the first fight. It was obvious he would also want to use his powers in battle. However, what Shaki had said made sense. The one who we were currently in confrontation with might know the limits of Maverick's power so far. I knew most of the officials did, and so there was not much he could do. A few people knew what I was capable of and incapable of. All people knew about Carlos was that he was highly intelligent when it came to technology, but that would not be helpful in the slightest.

"I can be of assistance, non-pariah creature."

"Not now, 4536," I spat.

"You should ask him what he wants. Maybe he can help," Carlos chimed in.

"I do not need help from a half-wit, broken down computer like this one," I argued.

"Have it your way. I will not tell you what to do," Carlos said with a shrug.

I looked at my knapsack straps and against my better judgement, took them off and pulled out my machine, laying it on top of my knapsack as Carlos and Shaki stood over me. Maverick was still leaning on the tree stump making extraordinarily little movement.

"Ok 4536, how can you help me?" I asked calmly.

"First apologize for being a brat. With exactly those words."

"How about I stuff your narrow behind down a..."

"Jared!" Shaki asserted strongly. "Enough!"

"Stupid machine," I mumbled.


"I apologize 4536 for being a brat," I said less than enthusiastically.

"Thank you. Although I would have given you the information regardless as it is my duty. I thank you for your kind words Non-Pariah."

I almost threw the machine across the field. If it were not for Shaki's quick reflexes, I am sure the machine would have broken into a million pieces.

"Listen. I am capable of many things. As you will not need me for sensory at this time because of Shaki, I can be of use in other ways. I can be turned into a tool that can see things from long distances. The old word for it was binoculars, but as of now, it is of a different name. Although my form is completely different from all other machines, I am capable of many of the same functions, even though I am not part of this system."

CAZADO: BOOK ONE (WATTYS 2023)Where stories live. Discover now