Chapter 11: The Return of the "Hero".

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It took a good few minutes, but Shadow was able to recover the optimum amount of energy in order to teleport Silver, Exe and himself to Tails' workshop.


Tails had fully finished and tested his invention. He then heard something outside, so he went to investigate, only to see Silver and Shadow with a defeated Sonic.Exe.

"Guys, you did it!" Tails cheered.

"Yeah, but Silver could use some aid." Shadow said, pointing to him.

Silver was hunched slightly, holding his side. Blood was seen trickling out of the wound, and stained on his glove.

"Oh god! Come with me, Silver. I'll see what I can do."

Tails ran over and put Silver's arm across his shoulders in order to help him walk, although the white hedgehog was limping. Inside the workshop, Silver found a chair amongst the untidiness and sat down, wincing.

"Something's just occurred to me: where's Amy?" Tails asked.

"Oh..." Silver began as he hung his head low.

"She...she didn't make it." He just barely managed to continue.

Tails covered his mouth with his hands as he looked down. Sadness was written all over his face. The fox wanted to cry, but no matter how much he tried, he couldn't.


Silver held his arms out, gesturing to Tails if he wanted a hug. The fox ran into him as the white hedgehog hugged him. Tails hugged him tightly as he rested his head on Silver's chest fur.

"I'm sorry..." Silver quivered.


Tails got to work in treating Silver's wound.

"How did this even happen?" Tails asked while gathering some first aid supplies.

"Exe clawed me." Silver replied.

"Ouch." Tails flinched after hearing that.

"But I was lucky because if Shadow hadn't of punched him, let's just say I probably wouldn't be here." Silver added.

Tails smiled after hearing Silver praise Shadow.

"Now this might hurt a little." Tails warned while getting a cloth.

Tails began to clean Silver's wound, causing him to wince.


Outside, while waiting for the others, Shadow had Sonic.Exe pinned down. He knelt on his back with one knee. With his left hand, he held Exe's hands behind his back, and with his right hand, he had his gun aimed towards the demonic hedgehog's head.

"You know...this is pointless...that piece of metal...can't kill me." Sonic.Exe weakly said.

"Those other Exes weren't real, which is why this "piece of metal" couldn't kill them. However, you have taken control of a living, mortal being, so one bullet is enough to rip through his body and kill him, and you." Shadow explained.

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