Chapter 2: Captive.

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Tails slowly woke up in pain. All he heard was the pelting rain. He didn't remember anything after he passed out in the explosion. Even more worryingly, Tails found out he wasn't on Seaside Island anymore. He could tell that he wasn't on the island, it was too dark and surprisingly really cold. Feeling very dizzy, Tails tried to adjust his vision to his surroundings.

Of course, Tails was trapped in Eggman's evil, high-tech lair. However, this time, unlike the Doctor's previous acts of imprisonment, the fox was trapped in the confinements of a cold, dark cell.

'How long did he have this cell hidden for?' Tails thought to himself, although slightly dazed.

Nervously, Tails looked up, only to find Eggman himself with his two hench-bots, Orbot and Cubot, and his minion, Metal Sonic, looking right at him. Tails gasped in surprise while feeling very unnerved at the same time. Reacting on instinct, he tried to break free and into a battle stance.

...which went well.

"Eggman! Argh! Wait, am I tied up?!" Tails suddenly realised.

His realisation proved correct as he was tied up, with chains, against the cell's cold, dark, metal wall.

"Precisely, my two-tailed friend. Now then-"

"Agh! Let me go now, Eggface! I won't work with you or give you anything! Plus, you know what Sonic's like if I'm in danger!" The fox shouted.

Tails thrashed and kicked with all of his might to break free from the chains to no avail. However, Eggman started to lose his patience.

"SILENCE!" The Doctor yelled.

"Now then, I need you to help me." Eggman pulled up some written information on the monitor after pressing a button on the centre console.

"Using the magic of research, I've discovered about a malevolent spirit named Exe. I discovered that he has the ability to control Sonic and that he's very powerful, almost immortal." Eggman stated.

Tails looked like he was about to have a heart attack.

'WHAT?! HOW?!' Tails thought in shock.

The two-tailed fox started panicking and sweating, but he tried to stabilise his breathing as he tried to keep calm. Tails didn't want to show anything to Eggman. No way in hell would he help him.

"Anyway, enough of this. This article doesn't say everything that I want to know. If you know what's good for you, I demand you give me the details on how it works and all the secrets about this spirit!" The doctor demanded.

He let out a threatening, evil laugh.

"Forget it, Egghead! I'm not telling you anything! I will never help you! Even if it's the last thing I do!" Tails shouted at him.

"No? Well then, let's see how you handle a little electricity." He slowly said with an evil look on his face.

Without hesitation, Eggman shut off his monitor and pressed a few buttons on his wrist controller. In response, five large, gun-shaped items that were attached to the cell's ceiling suddenly pointed in Tails' direction. A villainous, smug grin creeped across the bottom of the Doctor's moustache. This made Tails nervous, but he still fought back.

"Do your worst! You know I'll still survive!"

Tails gave the Doctor a glare filled with anger, but he screamed in pain when blasts of electricity were fired right at him. Each blast only lasted about two seconds, but for Tails, it was one of the most painful experiences he'd ever had! These volts that coursed through his body felt like someone was stabbing his every organ!

Sonic Boom.EXE?!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora