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Flooding waterfalls at night seem to be frequent.

Blank stares, four corners, repression at its finest.

Dying hopeful hands, numb with the disappointment.

In this survival world, sure I'm not the fittest.

Dreams that used to make me feel alive, now kills me.

Knowing that I'm not the one who made it come true.

Putting on my usual mask, while breathing deeply.

Wounds from forbidden affection, still feel brand new.

Predictable result, loser without a fight.

No buts nor chances to pursue the sole desire.

Heart have stopped beating, pretending to be alright.

Waking up on reality, killing the fire.

A story that started with angst, will end with it.

Like I have other choice, the plot is strictly planned.

Self-blaming from falling to the bottomless pit.

Drained body, living in automatic command.

Unbendable rules, no matter how much it pains.

Still need to obey, succumb myself to coldness.

A love that I will never have, bound by strong chains.

Merely surrendering to my old friend, the darkness.

Left UnspokenМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя