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Two months and twenty days, clocks ticking rapidly.
Evens out, odd weights to responsibility.
Journey to multiple roads while trembling in fear.
A legion of eyes, waiting for another year.

Staggering shoulders, forced to take drastic choices.
Bruises bleeding again from old hurtful voices.
Hiding the haven, the only aspiration.
For such soul, speech is mere humiliation.

Throat gradually dries up, a desert-like texture.
Limbs getting numb, unable to feel the future.
Young years gone, time to face the aristocracies.
Yet still glancing behind to look for fantasies.

Wants, those colorful dreams that no one will allow.
Trying to ignore the pain since rain can't pour now.
Pleasing oneself or the crowds? Life playing with fires.
"Why can't I have what my heart actually desires?"

Left UnspokenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora