held hostage, 9

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held hostage, 9"the difference between the two of us is the fact that i'll be leaving with a small cut, you won't be leaving at all

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held hostage, 9
"the difference between the two of us is the fact that i'll be leaving with a small cut, you won't be leaving at all."

"DEREK," Storm shouted into the man's ear, causing him to jump up. Dr. Deaton glanced at the girl a bit at the sound of her shouting.

"That did the trick."

As Derek stood up, almost tipping over both Storm and Dr. Deaton grabbed ahold of him. "Didn't I.. chain you down?" He asked weakly.

"I broke out this morning, but that's not your main problem right now.." She turned to Dr. Deaton.

"You're going to be weak for several hours."

Derek looked around the room, "It actually happened.."

"Don't worry. You're still an alpha. But, as usual, not a particularly competent one."

"Where is he?" Derek asked, his temper quickly rising.

"I wish I could tell you." The man responded.

"Derek, he's just trying to help—" Storm attempted to defend the man, only to be cut off.

"How about you tell me what you're doing here with my beta wolf and why you're trying to help me?"

"Helping both of your families used to be a pretty important part of my life. And helping you was a promise I made to your mother."

Derek calmed himself and glanced over to Storm and back at the man, "You're the one my sister talked about. She said you're a kind of advisor.."

"She was right. And I have some advice that you need to listen to very closely right now. What Peter managed to do, doesn't come without a price. He'll be physically weak, so he'll rely on the strength of his intelligence, his cunning. He's gonna come at you, Derek. He'll try to twist his way inside your head, preying on your insecurities. He'll tell you that he's the only way you can stop Gerald. Do not trust him."

"I don't trust anyone," Derek responded.

"I know. Neither of you do. And if you did you might be the alpha you like to think you are." And unfortunately, the one person you both should be trusting doesn't trust either of you at all." Deacon directed now at the two, getting a small look from Storm.

"Scott?" She asked.

"He's with Stilinski right now. You both need to find him, you need to find him as fast as you can. I've known Gerald for a long time. He always has a plan. And something tells me... it's going exactly the way he wants it to."

"We'll just have to ruin his plans then." Storm stared at Derek. "Both of us." She implied, making sure Derek knew that she was going to be right beside him.

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