comfortable silence, 3

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comfortable silence, 3"What? Are you watching and analyzing my every move, Lahey?"

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comfortable silence, 3
"What? Are you watching and
analyzing my every move, Lahey?"

"I SWEAR SCOTT! THAT'S NOT JUST SOME RANDOM GIRL." Stiles explained to his best friend as they walked down the hall.

"I know she isn't random. She's one of Derek's betas."

Stiles immediately stopped him in his tracks. "Just one of his betas? Scott, that's Melody Fontaine. Remember, freshman year? Brunette hair, blonde highlights... kind of.. hot? There's no way you don't recognize her."

Scott stared at the boy before realization finally hit him. "Yeah.. yeah. I remember her. I didn't have many classes with her but I remember her."

"Exactly, and she was basically raised here before leaving after freshman year.. what does that tell you?" Stiles grinned hoping that the boy had fully caught on.

"I don't.. know."

"Oh my god Scott, he brought her here. She didn't just reappear out of thin air. There's a reason she's here."

Scott only nodded in agreement as he was forced to listen to Stiles' ranting until they got to class.


"All right, next two! Stilinski, Erica, let's go! The wall." Couch shouted out.

Storm calmly stood in the front watching the two go towards the wall, she dreaded anything that involved physical activity but hadn't dared to skip class considering Derek started to threaten her, as a "father figure" not to.

It's not like she already had one to do so.

Stiles climbed up the wall easily while Erica, on the other hand, didn't. By the time Stiles had already come down from the wall Erica was stuck in place, not moving one bit, she started to cry and breathe heavily.

"Erica! Dizzy? Is it Vertigo?" The coach asked.

"Why would this have anything to do with Vertigo?" Storm smartly asked and she looked up worriedly at the girl.

"Vertigo's a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear. She's just freaking out." Lydia added on.

"I'm fine." Erica shakily responded.

"She's not fine. She needs to get down from there now." Storm turned to look at the coach.

"Yeah Coach, maybe it's not safe. You know, she's epileptic." Allison agreed as she looked up.

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