the test, 5

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the test, 5"you and him are doing much more than just hanging out when he's at your house

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the test, 5
"you and him are doing much more than just hanging out when he's at your house."

STORM STOOD ON THE SIDE, watching Erica come down the stairs holding down Jackson. Isaac who's been standing right beside her soon helped Erica out with holding the boy down.

"What happened to you on the night of the full moon?" Derek asked.

"What? Nothing. Nothing happened." Jackson replied as he struggled against the two.

Derek finally looked up to get a good look at him, "You're lying." He grabbed a glove sliding it onto his hand slowly.

"No, wait! No, wait! I can—I can prove it. I taped myself." Jackson anxiously said. Both Isaac and Derek grinned.

"You taped yourself?" Isaac asked amusingly.

"Doing what exactly," Storm walked over to the group with a teasing grin on her face, getting a good look at Jackson.

"Yes—" He turned to look at Isaac, getting a bit closer to the boy, "It was the full moon. And maybe, while you were curled in the corner, having an existential crisis about turning into a monster, I was preparing for the gift your so-called Alpha promised me. And what did I get? Nothing."

"Aw." Storm pouted at the boy before shoving him away from Isaac considering, in her opinion, he'd gotten a little too close.

Jackson groaned and looked at Derek, "You want proof? Let me get the video."

"No. No, I have a better idea." Derek grabbed a piece of glass with the kanima venom.

"What is that?" Jackson asked as he was forced to the ground, and on his knees.

As Derek made his way towards the boy, Storm came from behind Jackson and grabbed ahold of his neck, pulling it upwards and holding him down.

"You know, Jackson.. you've always been kind of a snake... And everyone knows a snake can't be poisoned by its own venom." Derek said before putting the piece of glass above the boy's mouth, watching the Kanima venom drip into his mouth.

Once it made its way inside Storm closed his mouth and stepped aside with Erica and Isaac, watching the boy fall to the floor, his body going completely numb from the venom.

Derek hovered above the boy, "You're still a snake, Jackson— just not the one we're looking for." He soon stood up walking off from the group as usual, leaving Isaac and Storm to taunt the boy.

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