Street Urchins

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Usagi takes Blue down a hallway and opens a sliding door revealing a living room with similar type furniture but in this room where other Yokai who all sat up upon seeing the unfamiliar person with Usagi. On the couch was Gen reading a old book but he dropped it when he saw Blue, Kitsune was on the ground looking over her loot for the day when she quickly moves to cover it with a pillow when she saw Blue. Finally there is Chizu.

She's a feline Yokai about their age a little older than Usagi with black fur, white around her yellow eyes, a white diamond in between her eyes, and black bangs partly covering her left eye. She wore old ninja gear betraying her old origins, but when money and food were hard to come by she refused to get new clothes feeling the essentials were more important. Blue immediately looked at her his eyes wide and he backs away. "Neko ninja!" He exclaims and looks at Usagi. "Your!" Usagi held up his paws quickly. "No I promise! Chizu ran away from the Neko Ninja a year ago I promise she's rough around the edges, but she won't hurt you I promise," Usagi said.

"Usagi who is this?" Chizu asks her friend curtly. Usagi gestures to his friends. "Guys this is.... Actually what's your name?" Usagi asks. "You invite a stranger into our home and you don't even ask their name?" Chizu asks irritated. "Noob," Kitsune snorts. Blue on the other hand hesitated looks at the group than Usagi before he slowly answers. "Uh my names Blue," he answers and Usagi is surprised the name he had mentally been calling him was his actual name. Huh what are the odds?

Kitsune snorts at the name. "Blue? Seriously?" She asks. "Trust me my pops is not creative in the slightest," Blue said crossing his arms and looks at Chizu again stepping closer to her. "So you really left the Neko Ninja?" He asks. Chizu nodded not looking away from him. "Yes I am Chizu. Left a year ago after I met Kitsune. She gave me a out I'm grateful for. I've been hiding here ever since. I promise they aren't Neko Ninja," Chizu said. Blue looks her up and down for a few moments before he shrugs. "Alright I guess if you say so," He decides but he's still obviously wary looking to Kitsune and saw the stolen goods of hers but he chooses to say nothing.

Gen decides to break up the tensity. "Uh would you like some tea? I'm Gen by the way," He introduces. Blue looks to him and smiles curtly. "I'm alright thanks," He said when Usagi got a idea.

"Hey come with me," Usagi said taking Blue's hand before he could protest. He takes him down a hall and up several flights of stairs until they came to the top of a tower in the mansion where a door was and Usagi gestures for Blue to come forward. Blue opens the door and he pauses at the sight. Inside there was a bed and self made training dummies and old books that looked like they had been thrown out all pertaining to something about history and a single old battery powered lamp that looked like it had been fixed. No furniture was present.

"Spacious," Blue comments. "You should see it when it's dark. I use this old cheap disco ball to make the light refract off the walls," Usagi said proudly and brought him inside leaving the door open. "The stairs can be a pain, but the view," Usagi pulls the curtain away from the window and Blue is left speechless. Below he could see the entirety of the kingdom below, the homes, the people going about their daily business, the ships coming in from port, and even the palace in the far distance. "It's beautiful," Blue said and pauses looking at Usagi whose soft blush was hidden by his fur. "I"m sorry I never got your name?" He asks.

"Usagi, Usagi Yuichi," Usagi introduces and Blue tips his head. "Like the guy on all the dart boards? That's you?" He asks. Usagi flowers and crosses his arms. "Miyamato Usagi was my great great great great grandfather. He is innocent and when I become a great and noble samurai just like he was and I will clear his name!" Usagi declares loudly and proudly. "He killed a shogun in cold blood," Blue said. "He was framed," Usagi said and Blue gives him another look before he sees the topic is a sore spot for Usagi so he changes it.

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