Reassurance. (nightmare pt.2)

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As promised, Mario and Luigi went down to the pier to go visit Y/n. Since they had no way of contacting them, they would have to go down there themselves.
Luckily the princess was generous to lend them some diving gear. Where she got it they have no clue.

Thank goodness Y/n decided to rebuild their kingdom near Mushroom Kingdom...or else they would have to swim real far.

"Are you sure we should bother them?? What if they're busy?" Luigi asked his brother, regretting his decision already.

"Nonsense Lu!! It'll be fine. Plus, they need to get out of the water. It's been like a week since we've seen them." Mario, placing the mask over his eyes.

"How are we gonna speak with them underwater??" Luigi said raising an eyebrow

"Uh...I haven't thought about that to be honest..." Mario chuckled, "Oh well. We'll find out!!"

Mario than jumped into the water making Luigi sigh.

"Here we go again." He muttered as he placed his snorkel gear over his head, jumping in as well. Under the water it was a bit dark and hard to see. But Mario helped guide the two with a lantern. That he also borrowed from the Princess.

As they went deeper and deeper, the more types of fish and squid were swimming around. It wasn't until some bright lights shining on a corner did they stop swimming deeper. Mario pointed to that direction, and Luigi gave him a thumbs up as they went that way.

The two immediately widen their eyes at the sight of a beautiful castle, surrounded by many Merpeople. Below the castle was houses, or caves, that all the merpeople swam around. Though, there was some still not fully built.

The brothers neared the castle's entrance. Most of the merpeople swimming away in fear of them, some waving, and others stared. It was a little nerve racking...

"Halt!! You shall not go any further." A guard said, holding his hand out to the brothers. But they were underwater. So they couldn't hear a thing. Luigi tried to do some hand gestures, signaling that they wanted to go in, but the guards just stared.

"Hey, what part of not going any further do you not understand?! Get lost!!" The scarred guard hissed as he pointed his weapon at Luigi, which Mario immediately placed behind him with a little glare.

"That will be enough Avida." Y/n's voice rung out as they appeared behind Mario and Luigi, gingerly holding their shoulders.

"My highness-These are intruders. Humans-"

"I said Enough." Y/n said, more sternly. He mumbled and bowed apologetically. Luigi's eyes seem to glisten at the sight of Y/n. Their form radiating pure beauty. He's never seen them in their mer form has he? They looked so...amazing...

But as Luigi stared longer, the memories of his nightmare began to crawl back in his mind. Y/n's bloodied and limp form flashing. He quickly tore away from his stricken gaze. Which didn't go unnoticed by Y/n.

"Hmm...I would say it's good to see you two. But you wouldn't hear me." Y/n laughed to themself as the brothers tilted their head. They took their hands, and the markings on their body began to glow. Luigi and Mario felt a surge run through them, and they suddenly felt air fill their lungs without the gear.

"Wow that was tingly- Huh?! Am I breathing underwater?!" Mario said, hold his throat in confusion.

"Yes. I made it to where you two can temporarily breathe and talk under water. I learned how to do it with my father." Y/n nodded with a smile, before looking at Luigi.

"How are you Green bean?" They ask, but Luigi remained silent. Y/n furrowed their eyes, hurt with this reaction. But shook it off.

"What are you guys doing here?" Y/n asks, confused on why the two brothers would be down here in their kingdom instead of up in the Mushroom Kingdom.

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