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Luigi didn't know where he was dark and cold...he felt compressed in a tight spot. His breath was shallow...panicked.

What was happening?!

Why is it happening?!

Help!! Someone help!!


He suddenly felt warmth envelope him...but not the good kind. It was burning, hot. It made him shake as he remembered the feeling when he was back in the cage. He doesn't wanna be trapped again!! He wants to be free...he can't go through that again...he just can't...

No no no no no no no no....


He gasped out as he was suddenly away from the compressed feeling. But the burning remind. It was no longer dark...but he was Brooklyn.

Specifically the streets where Bowser was defeated...

"W-what..." he mumbled in confusion. Why was the block destroyed again? It was fixed a year ago....

He looked up to see he was in the same trash can he hid in. Why was he-

"You really thought you could stop ME?! You worthless, weak little, NOTHING!! COME OUT AND FIGHT!! Or are you too scared...? Your friend's life depends entirely on you..." he heard Bowser say, cackling maliciously as he once again held Y/n...their state somehow worse as he squeezed the life out of them.

"No no no...Please...Put them down!!" Luigi cried as he got out of the dumpster, trying to reach Y/n. But he was suddenly grabbed by...himself? But this one looked blank. Held no emotion...

"You will the coward you are..."

"No!! I-I'm not a coward!! Let me go-" Luigi tried pulling away, with little change happening. He watched helplessly as Y/n continued to be squeezed.

'Don't worry...The others saved them!! so that has to happen now. Right?' Luigi thought to himself in hope as he was still being held back.

"Just as I thought..." Bowser cackled as Mario didn't come out. He lifted Y/n into the air, squeezing them as they cried out in pain. Luigi watched in horror as no one came. Y/n looked at him, making eye contact.

"L-Luigi!! H-help!! Please!! Help me!!" They cried and cried. But Luigi couldn't get away from his spot. He fought and shouted as he tried to reach them...

It wasn't enough...

Bowser slammed Y/n into the ground, straight onto a sharp piece of rock as it pierced their chest. Blood seeping everywhere as Y/n gasped for nonexistent air, tasting metal in their mouth. Tears flowing.

"NO!!" Luigi cried as he was finally let go. He ran straight for Y/n, sliding to his knees as he held their head up. He cried as he tried to keep them awake. But their life was fading...

"Y/n...P-please...S-stay with me!! Don't go anywhere!!" Luigi cried as he looked for help. But everyone was gone again. The black abyss returning.

Luigi felt Y/n touch his hand, it was bloody and bruised. Luigi let tears flow down on to their face as they smiled up at him. Their eyes growing dimmer and dimmer.

"Luigi..." the whispered softly, " didn't save me..." the began to frown and Luigi looked at them perplexed.

"I tried!! But I just-"

"You're a coward couldn't even save me..." they began to get angry

"No!! It's not true!! I tried!! But I was held back by..." he was held back by himself...his fear...

"You're's all your fault..."

"No...N-no it's-Y/n? Y/n?!" Luigi panicked as their form went completely limp. They weren't breathing...

Luigi sobbed as he grasped onto their body, wailing out in sorrow as he just lost someone he cared deeply about. It felt like hours, but it was only seconds. He eventually went numb...

"It's all my fault..."

Luigi gasped as he rose from his bed, panicked breathing and tears on his face. That nightmare...felt all to real for him...he hated it. God but it's true...he was a coward...

"Lu!! Lu, it's ok!! Breathe!!" Mario said from beside him, rubbing his back.

"M-Mario?" Luigi said, not even a above a whisper.

"Yeah it's me Lu...You we're mumbling in your sleep...and crying..." Mario paused, "Are you ok?"

Luigi's lip shook as he pulled his brother into a bear hug, surprising Mario for a second, but he hugged back immediately. Sobs echoed throughout their shared home. Luigi not having to say anything as Mario understood completely. He had a nightmare. And a terrible one at that.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Mario offered as he sat next to his petrified brother. He nodded as he sniffed, trying to calm his shaking.

"I-It was back when we defeated Bowser...I...I remember watching Y/n being held captive in his grasp...all bruised and bloodied...they were saved...but in my dream they were..." Luigi's voice shook as he paused. Mario widen his eyes immediately at what Luigi was hinting at. He pulled his brother into another hug.

" was a nightmare...Y/n's ok...they're living and breathing. You know that they're persistent, and would never let Bowser..." Mario tried to find a way to rephrase his words, "They would never go down so easily."

"That's not the point Mario...the point is that I could have done something...but I sat there like the little coward I was...I was to afraid..." Luigi muttered, looking at his hands.

"That's not what I think. I think you were so brave for stepping up in the end, and I know Y/n would never think of you as any less. They love you." Mario consoled and Luigi sat silent.

"How about this, when it's not 2 am, we can get up and go see them down in Aqualliera. It'll help ease your mind better...sound good...?" Mario smiled as Luigi's eyes lit up a bit.

"Yeah...yeah that sounds nice...Thank you Mario..." Luigi smiled at his brother. Mario smiled back, giving him a side hug.

"Anytime Lu. Anytime."
So this could be the last chapter of this book.

I haven't got many requests so I haven't gotten much to write. But I'll see. I'll give it a few days, and if I can't come up with any scenarios, than this book will be wrapped up.

And then I'll be moving onto my Mario x Reader book. Which I'm still working on in my notes!!

That's all I had to say.

Have a good day/night!! BYEEEEEEE

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