Date Troubles

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I was mumbling to myself as I looked for a perfect outfit for Luigi and I's date tonight. But I couldn't find anything perfect!!

"Come one I know I have to have something in here!!" I hiss as I tried to look through some old clothes of mine. Throwing them onto the floor.

"Uh, Y/n, Hun? I just cleaned this room." Steve said as he looked at Y/n's messy room.

"Sorry Pa, I have no time. My date is in 20 minutes!! I can't find anything good!!" I stress, still throwing clothes around.

"Well throwing your clothes around isn't gonna help. Here let me help you." He said as he helped put away the clothes on the floor, "Why are you even worried?"

"I-I well, I just wanna look nice for Luigi..." I blush, looking at the floor. Steve awed and smothered Y/n in a hug.

"Awwww my baby is so in loveeee. Stop growing up on meeee..." He said in a high pitched voice, embarrassing Y/n even more.

"Pa!! Stop!! I'm not a child!!" I groaned as I pulled away from his suffocating hug. Then I hear my Dad wheel in, looking at me, then at Pa.

"Steve. We talked about this." Travis says with a raised eyebrow. Steve rolled his eyes and backed away.

"Y/n, we've seen how much Luigi likes you. I don't think he'll care what you look like as long as you're there with him." Travis smiled assuringly, wheeling over to Y/n, patting them on the back.

"Yeah...I guess you're right." I sigh, before smiling, "Then I'll go with this outfit!! It's not flashy, but not sluggish looking!!" I say, rushing out of my room.

I bet changed in the bathroom, putting extra deodorant on, and brushing my teeth three times. When I think I looked good, I smiled and run back out the bathroom. Meeting my dads in the living room.

"How do I look?" I ask, rubbing my arm shyly. Travis gave Steve a look, seeing how he was close to bursting into tears.

"You look amazing kid." Travis smiles, as he pats his silently sobbing husband on his back.

"MY BABBBBBYYYY" Steve wailed, making Y/n and Travis blankly stare at him.

That's when a knock on the door was heard. I yelp, as I tripped on some stuff, trying to get to the door. I get back up, wiping myself off, then opened the door. And there stood Luigi in a nice green polo shirt, with my favorite flowers in his hands, f/fl.

"H-Hey!! You look..." Luigi trailed off with a twinge of blush on his face. His mouth hung open at the beauty that is Y/n.

But Y/n took it as he thought they looked bad.

"Yeah...sorry...I didn't have any good clothes..." I say dejected, and Luigi quickly shook his head.

"No-No! I think you look amazing!! I was just...speechless....?" He said nervously, internally smacking himself for being an idiot. But that seemed to make Y/n smile.

"Thanks! You don't look bad yourself Mr. Handsome." I tease making Luigi stutter. He then held out the flowers and I took them gratefully.

"I remember they were your favorite..." He mumbled shyly

"They are. Thank you Luigi." I say, pecking his cheek. I head inside placing the flowers somewhere safe, then heading back to Luigi.

"Bye Pa!! Bye Dad!!" I waved, and Steve waved back.

"Have fun you two!!" Steve cheered, as Travis gave Luigi a little glare.

"Better bring them back before midnight. Or I will hunt you down." He threatens, making Luigi gulp.

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