Chapter 9: Kong Fight!!

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I sigh as I wrap my hands in gauze, preparing myself for the fight ahead of Mario and I. I could hear Mario pacing up and down, his nerves were at all time high. I mean mine is too. I'm just trying to mask it with the best of my abilities...

"How you holding up Red?" I finally ask him, and he stops pacing.

"Good. Great. AMAZING?!" He shouts with a eye twitch. I stand up from where I sat and walk over to him.

"It's gonna be ok Mario. We got this. Together we can win this. Remember, we're doing this for Luigi." I encourage him and he inhales, then Exhales.

"You're right. I can't be so doubtful. Especially not with Lu in trouble..." He says with a confidence. He then turned to me with a smile, "You seem to really care for my bro huh?"

"Well, he's good man. And friend. And so are you. I would never forgive myself if I'd let something happened to him...especially since I..." I sigh as I looked down, making Mario frown.

"Since what...?"

"...I told him to split up...B-back at the dark's my fault that he got captured...I could've been there with him...but...I wasn't..." I grasped onto my arm, a little to tightly. Mario noticed, and removed my hand away from my arm.

"No, no...It's not your fault. If it's anyone's fault,
It's mine. I'm the one who dragged both you down to 'Save Brookelyn'. I guess I was so focused on being seen, that I forgot what I already had..." Mario smiled, my face matching it.

"Looks like we both learned something yeah?" I softly laugh. Mario joined in too. Then silence. Mario looked around, hearing the cheering from outside.

"Ya know...Luigi does like you. A lot." Mario began and I tilt my head in confusion. Where was this coming from all of a sudden? "I'm sure he would go through all this to get you back if it were you instead of him."

I went to open my mouth to question what he meant but an ape came in the door, signaling it was time for the fight. We got up and the ape led us to our door, before leaving. We looked at each other, nodding, before walking towards the door. We both flinched as the light hit our eyes, but widen them at the sight at all the apes and monkeys in the Colosseum. They booed at us immediately.

"Jesus..." I gasp as we hung over nothing but water. One little slip up and down we go. We both jumped as we heard a roar from the other side of the door. It opened up and immediately a giant ape came running through it. Jumping and landing in front of us. Mario backed into me as the ape flexed his eyebrows at us, catching some barrels, then smashing them to show dominance.

"Please." I scoff at his boasting. Like father like son. But everyone seemed to love it, as a song played in the background.

"I'm Dk!! Donkey Kong!! Oooo Yeah!! Hi dad!!" Donkey Kong waved to his father, making Kranky Kong disappointed.

"No-No!! Don't do that!!"

"Wave back!!" Dk said as he did some weird moves. Is this really the guy we have to fight? this a joke?

"Enough with the showboating!!" His father yelled

"What do you mean?! They like it!! It's what they came here for!! And some pecs!!" Dk then began to flex his pecs, making the crowed go wild.

"Ok simmer down. I SAID SIMMER DOWN!!" The king yelled, and everyone went silent, except one kid who cheered Dk's name. "That means you to Diddy Kong!!"

Diddy Kong stopped cheering immediately and apologized.

"Now!! Since I want the fight to last more than five seconds, I put power ups around the Arena. Your welcome Mario and Y/n." Kranky King said peeling a banana.

Let's-A-Go!! (Super Mario Bros Movie Luigi x Gender Neutral Reader)Where stories live. Discover now