Headcannons of mine!!

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-Luigi loves to listen to Y/n ramble. Could be anything at all, like their special interest. He just loves listening to them talk.

-Peach likes to squish Mario's face, it's oddly satisfying to her

-Y/n once saw a mini shark in the ocean when they were younger, and pet it. Gave Travis and Steve a heart attack.

-Toad likes to have scream contests with Dk. They just find it fun, and gets their anger out.

-Mario is afraid to lose Luigi again, so he's always paranoid if he's gone for too long.

-Bowser is definitely terrified of jars

-Dk doesn't necessarily hate Mario, he's just salty that he lost. Because he's been told to win all his life, and never learned to lose.

-Y/n: He asked for no pickles
Luigi: Y/n it's fine-

-Luigi gets scared if it becomes too hot, or if he's near fire. It reminds him of the lava he hung over back with Bowser.

-Peach wonders a lot of her origins, but she's afraid of what she'll find if she goes to pursue to seek them.

-Toad likes to touch hair. He doesn't know why. But whenever he meets someone new he always asks to touch their hair.

-Dk has tripped down a flight of stairs, most likely broke a arm, and couldn't fight in the ring. That's what he gets for not cleaning up his banana peels.

-Y/n hates feeling useless. They fear if they don't do something, than they're just weak. Usually Mario and Luigi have to console them, because they never take breaks.

-Luigi has night terrors. When he saw Y/n's bloodied state while in the hands of Bowser, he was terrified they'll die.

-Mario still hates mushrooms, but he'll try his best to tolerate them whenever it's a part of his meal. He secretly gives them to Luigi anyway.

-Bowser knits. He finds it calming. It's just really hard to do with his big hands.

-Kamek raised Bowser, because Bowser didn't have a mother or father.

-Peach actually doesn't actually like peaches, she prefers plums. Ironic isn't it?

-Dk throw barrels a lot, and usually gets splinters because of it.

-Toad admires the Princess for being so brave, and wants to be like her

-Toad was considered as a outcast because he was different from the other Toads. So he didn't have many friends until Y/n and Mario.

-Mario likes the growth mushrooms because he likes feeling taller than everyone else.

-Y/n accidentally ate a tie-pod as a kid, they thought it was candy. Had to go to the hospital for a week. Luigi and Mario were worried.

-Luigi's parents were thrilled to hear that Y/n and Him started dating. They showed Y/n all his baby photos, he was so embarrassed.

-Peach actually gets flustered easily, she's just really good with hiding it. So when Mario compliments her, she internally screams.

-Dk is actually not as confident as he seems. He acts that way to feel better about himself because he thinks his father will only see him as a disappointment

-Toad enjoys music, could be any kind. It's good background noise

-Bowser spends most of his time plays piano because that's what Kamek taught him to do as a kid.

-Luigi likes to dance, but he's too shy to do it alone. So Y/n joins in, even if they can't dance. Luigi ends up teaching them how.

-Mario has some scars from his fight with Bowser, specifically on his back. He hates looking at it, but Luigi assures him every single time.

-Y/n's arm that was broken sometimes twitches, due to some nerve damage.

-Luigi was once caught wearing one of Princess Peach's spare dresses. He apologized, but Peach told him he looked great, and that he could keep it.

-Peach doesn't wear a lot of makeup, because she thinks it's too much of a hassle to deal with.

-Dk made his own theme rap. We don't know how.

-Toad's head squeaks when you poke it

-Luigi loves holding Y/n close to him, not only does it make him feel safe, but that it makes him know
Y/n is safe. Plus, he likes the feeling of being a protector of some sort, since he feels like he's always a coward.

-Mario sneezes like a dad. It scare the absolute shit out of everyone.

-Y/n still feels guilty about splitting with Luigi in the dark lands. They feel like that could have prevented him being captured somehow.

-Bowser found a cliche romcom from one of the pipes, the people on the cover looked so 'in love'. Which is why he wanted to marry Peach because he wanted to feel that way too.

-Y/n hit a low point in their life from the constant teasing from others. Multiple times they have cried themselves to sleep. But they didn't say anything, because they didn't want to be a burden. Luigi brought them out of that dark place, he was determined to help them get through it.

-Toad calls phones "magical boxes"

-Dk was actually kind of freaked out when Mario didn't stay down, mainly because he was a bloody mess.

-Dk was also terrified when Y/n split his head open. Y/n feels terrible about it. But he assures them that it's ok.

-Dk doesn't like cats

-Peach loves it when Mario gets the cat power up, because she picks him up and he's really soft. He also purrs, which give Peach serotonin.

-Luigi and Y/n have a bunch of contests with swimming. Of course Y/n always wins, but Luigi does it for fun.

-Mario definitely struggles with sleep. So he's always up and about at midnight.

-Luigi said I love you first to Y/n. It slipped from his mouth when he and his brother was sick, and Y/n took care of them. Mario laughed his ass off as Luigi screamed into a pillow. Y/n only smiled and repeated his words back, making Luigi more flustered.

-Forehead touches. A lot of forehead touches with
Y/n and Luigi. It puts both of them at ease.

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