05 || It's nice to have a friend

Start from the beginning

"Put your shoes on we're going."

"I'm not going anywhere, especially not with you."

"What did happen to your cat?" He asks out of the blue, his tone showing he doesn't genuinely care.

I came down here looking for Frinkles.

Panic floods through me and I do little to hide it. I just need to know that he's safe.

My eyes search both the living room and the kitchen but theres no sign of him anywhere.

I turn back to Blaine. "What did you do?" I ask, anger laced in my tone.

"I don't know what you're talking about, I do a lot of things."

"Where is Frinkles?"

"Frinkles?" He pretends to think. "Oh, your troublesome cat-"

"I swear-"

"Now, now, no need to swear. Frinkles will be just fine if you cooperate, you can start by putting on your shoes."

I begrudgingly do as he says, sliding on the shoes infront of me, not hiding the distate on my face.

I can't believe he cat-napped Frinkles, my poor baby must be so scared.

"There's a good girl." He says.

"I'm not a fucking dog." I say glaring at him.

"A dog would be less trouble." He says turning to pick up my coat. "Coat." He flings the coat at me and I catch it as it hits my body. "Wouldn't want you to get cold." He says with a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Maybe I'll die of hypothermia and get put out of my misery."

He rolls his eyes. "You do remember you're getting 30 million out of this, right?"

"You do remember you're blackmailing me into this, right? The money is just for show, to distract you from your guilty conscience."

"I don't have a guilty conscience, I barely have a conscience in the first place."

"Sure." I say sarcastically.

He walks out the door and I idly follow after him.

I shut and lock my front door behind me. I don't know how he had gotten in, the lock isn't broken, none of the windows are smashed and I know for a fact I locked the door, I remember doing it. It's probably best I don't know, I don't think I want to know.

He gets into the drivers side of his shiny black car that's parked outside of my house.

I know he wants me to follow but it takes me a second to chalk up the courage.

The only reason I'm following along is for Frinkles, not even my own fear stops me from saying things I shouldn't.

I sigh deeply before opening the passenger side door and taking a seat inside the lavish car.

I shut the door harshly just to piss him off but he doesn't react.

Not sparing him a glance I strap in my seatbelt and proceed to stare out the windshield, even when he begins driving.

"How'd you sneak out?" He asks after a moment of silence.

I chose not to reply.

"Who helped you?" He rephrases his question.

With no emotion on my face, I stare blankly out the front window.

"Cassandra I'm asking you a question."

My lips are still sealed, I don't think I could move them even if I wanted to. My whole body is telling me to speak up but I'm paralyzed by fear.

"You'd be wise to answer me." He says angrily.

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