saving drew

767 18 50

tw (yes tw on a chatfic): abuse, substance abuse, vomit (kinda detailed), blood (also detailed), self harm

I sat there, listening to my dad's drunken slurring on the other side of my door. I have never felt so fucking scared. I suppose thats normal, with loud sudden crashed and the occasional bangs on my locked door. I guess my home life hasn't been great but he's never gotten physical before. This is new. And new is scary. So I'm just sitting in the corner of my room, cowering under my window, warm tears painting my face and falling on my phone. I keep checking it over and over, looking for a new text from Zander. God i needed to know he was here. These assholes are blowing up my phone with their stupid fucking shenanigans.

"I don't want a fag in my house!" My father yelled, his words barely coherent because of how much he drunk.
"He's your son!" My much more sober mother retaliated. I flicked my head back, banging it on the wall. It sent a shock of pain through my body but i didn't care. Anything to distract me from this mess I'm in. Fuck, I'm terrified. My mum started yelling at him about his drinking, the traffic from outside was noisy, the ticking of the clock. It's too much. I check my phone again, a tear falling onto the screen.

Z: im at your window

I immediately stand up and flick open my window. I crawl out, securing my foot on the roof tiles. I gently slip down the roof, gripping onto the gutters. After inhaling deeply, my hands let go as i felt to the ground.

"Jesus, Drew!" I hear Zander exclaim. I just give him a cheesy smile and dust myself off. "what happened?" He continued. I efficiently walk over to Zander's car, opening the passenger door and climbing in. The socks i was wearing seemed to make some surfaces more slippery, increasing the difficulty of my (what should've been) simple task.

"Ah, my Dad got drunk again, started throwing shit around the house and banging on my door. I was scared so, yeah." Drew explained factually, almost as if it wasn't a traumatic event. His normality almost scared the other, eyes welling up with concern. "I'm okay, uninjured." He quickly added. Zander let out a hum, starting the drive to his house.


Hailey almost screamed when he saw who walked in through the garage door. Her shocked expression quickly turning to anger. "Zander, what the fuck? Why is he here!" She whisper-yelled through gritted teeth, trying not to alarm her father or step-mum. "None of your fucking business," Zander spat, dragging Drew into his room. Hailey rolled her eyes and moved out the way.

"Zander- Zander i think I'm gonna throw up," Drew mumbled, clutching onto his stomach. He nodded in response and rushed him to the bathroom. Drew sat himself on the clean white tiles (clean bathroom flooring was strange to him, his bathroom always had some bodily fluid on the floor), clinging to the toilet seat and held his head over the bowl. He felt a hand rub circles on his back through his long sleeve dark grey shirt as the other sibling watched (in judgement) at the doorway. His body shook violently as he felt previous food regurgitate through his body, leaving a stinging feeling in his throat. Tears slipped out of his eyes as he puked into the toilet, emptying his stomach.

After he let it out, he sat back, wiping his mouth with his sleeve and beginning to sob. His hand rested on his mouth as spurts of pained noises rang out and echoed in the bathroom. His hot tears painted his tan face, leaving his eyes puffy.

"Drew, its okay," Zander softly whispered as he pulled the boy (no matter how gross he was) into a comforting hug. one hand wrapped around his waist and the other ran through his hair. Drew didn't usually like his hair being touched, but this was Zander. His new best friend, his judgement buddy. So he let him pat his hair, and after enough time he had calmed down enough that he could properly breathe. "Zander, he should shower," Hailey said in a concerned tone before walking off to her room.
"She's right," Drew mumbled with a pathetic giggle.

The purple haired boy brought his hands to the hem of Drew's shirt, and started to lift before another pair of hands stopped him. "Hey, I can do it myself." He protested. "Considering how shaky your body still is, I doubt it," The other replied. "Promise not to judge?" Drew asked, wary. Zander nodded and whispered a small 'yeah', causing the other to take his hands off and letting himself be cared for.

Zander slipped of the other's shirt, noticing something rather... odd. The magenta haired boy dropped his arms to his stomach, hiding his inner arms. His body was littered in bruises and scratches, assuming it was from his dad. But his arms? Those cuts were to organised for a drunk man to have put them there. Drew probably did those himself. His arms were scarred horrendously being paired with healing cuts, scabbed cuts and a few brand new ones. Zander decided not to mention it, and leave it for the morning.

He lifted Drew and helped him get into the bath, the only thing he was still wearing was boxers. With that, Zander spent the next half an hour washing his new best friend's body, scrubbing him with a piece of towel (a loofa would be too rough on his irritated skin). The fabric cleaned all the blood, dirt and minor amount of vomit on Drew's body. Zander sat on the edge, calmly cleaning his body before moving on to his short, slightly matted magenta hair. He grabbed conditioner and untangled his hair strand by strand. It was a tedious process but the two of them found it comforting. After getting the last knots out, he took the shampoo bottle and scrubbed his hair with his hands.

Drew never had anyone care for him like this, so as he was submerged in warm soapy water, he allowed himself to close his eyes. He felt the other scrub his hair with care. His other friends (Liam, Henry, even Jake) they wouldn't do this for him. Sure, they have spent nights together where something horrible happened to one of them. Weather it be the extreme transphobia from Jake's dad, Liam having to take care of his younger siblings because his parents ran off again, Henry getting yelled at because he wasn't the perfect son or Drew. Drew for his shitty dad, and mother who expects too much from him. They were always there for each other and would have massive group cuddles when one was at a low. They truely loved each other.

But Zander, someone who he had harassed because of his interest in the past, had taken him in snd helped him. All because he also had a deadbeat dad.

"Thank you, Zander"
He nodded and softly smiled in response.

A/N my fucking cat brought me this massive lizard while i was writing this

also if you couldn't tell, zander forced drew to stay the night

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