S1 E1 Octonauts And The Whale Shark

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Kwazii: Explore!
Peso: Rescue!
Barnacles: Protect!
Y/n: Learn!

It was Y/n's first day as an official Octonaut. He was in HQ with some of his new friends.

Barnacles: Hmm. Look at these pictures coming in from Dashi!

It looked like the area on the screen was a very red place with an orange fish in it.

Y/n: Uhhh. Where is she, B?

Peso: Oooh. Yeah, where Captain?

Barnacles: She's exploring a strange underwater cave.

Y/n had his hand on his chin.


Dashi was taking pictures all over the place.

Dashi: There's some amazing stuff in here!

She pointed her camera at a piece of seaweed.


Shellington: Let's run these pictures through the computer to get a good look at the whole cave. It looks like there's some squid. And..some tropical seaweed.

Y/n: Hmmm.

Barnacles: What's wrong?

Y/n: It's just that there's something off about this "cave".

Peso noticed something.

Peso: The cave floor's red! And wiggly!

They then saw something else that looked weird.

Barnacles: You're right, Y/n. Those little Rock's hanging down look kind of familiar.

Y/n: That's because they're TEETH!

Shellington: And the floor IS A TONGUE!

Peso: How can a cave have teeth and a tongue?!

They matched up three pictures.

Shellington: Because it's not a cave Peso.

They searched for the answer through the creature collection.

Y/n: Right! It's-

All: A whale shark!

Barnacles instantly activated the radio.

Barnacles: DASHI!

Whale Shark

Barnacles on Radio: Can you hear me?!

Dashi: Loud and clear. Sort of.


Y/n: You're not in a cave! You're in a whale shark!

Whale Shark

Barnacles on Radio: Get out! Now!

She saw the mouth closing.

Dashi: Uh oh. Closing time?

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