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I sat at the window in my Fathers' bedroom, the same window I snuck into and will sneak out of. It's amazing how you can get into a property undetected if you know the lay out and can hack into the Security system, putting the footage onto loop. Of course I only gave myself enough time to get in so the guards don't notice and will repeat the procedure if I get out.

Looking around the room, it reminded me of his Office; cold and depressing decorated in whites and black with no personal items on display, just the odd picture on the grey painted wall and a black rug on the darker shade of grey flooring. All furniture was white and fabric black, the only colour coming from the depressing art work. Like my Father, the room lacks emotion and personality.

With one of his guns tucked into my pants, I am ready as I watch him via the Security footage I have showing on Sam's laptop. I watch him walk down the dimly lit hall, stepping closer and closer to his destination; then he opens the door and enters oblivious to me for one, two, three, four seconds and our eyes meet

"What the hell" he roars

"HejFar" I smile, using Danish to say 'hello Father' to match the language he's using. I actually don't mind the language if I was honest, I only hate it because he loves it so much.

"Where the fuck have you been, you're reported missing"

"You believe I was kidnapped" I question. I expected more of him; unless it was a cover, knowing I'd done a runner. That news obviously wouldn't sit well within the organisation.

"JegondtFar". I then repeat in my preferred English "I'm hurt Father" adding "I expected more confidence coming from you"

"I ask again; where the bloody hell have you been" his anger ever present as he reaches into his black suit jacket, but I'm quicker and have my gun drawn and fired before he can point his in my direction, the bullet hitting target on his hand causing him to drop the gun and curse.

"On Vacation, Farther" I offered, amused. I've always wanted to shoot the bastard.

He went for me, cursing in his beloved Danish, blood dripping from his damaged hand but I saw it coming and grabbed hold of him, pinning him to the door by his white silk shirt.

"Do you honestly believe I'm incompetent like the others' who got kidnapped" I snarled.

"Ja" he answered, trying to push me off with his unharmed hand.

"Yes" I repeat, spitting the word in his face "Well I'm not, you trained me too well" and kneed him hard in the stomach.

Letting him fall to the ground I kick the forgotten gun to the other side of the room before making my way back to the window seat. I sit and point my gun to him, temporarily satisfied with him kneeling on the floor, clutching his stomach and trying to get breath, all the while looking up at me with hatred.

"So, where was I" I muse, keeping a watchful eye on his movements in case he decides to attack again. "Didn't you work it out" my voice mocking

"That kid" he snarls, getting over his pain and wrapping his damaged hand in a sock, using a tie to hold it in place.

I nod my head as a an answer and he asks the question I expected 'who exactly is he'

"Didn't you work that out too" I ask with a smile. "Well Father, the person you had beaten is not only my best friend, but the person I believe I'm in love with"

He scoffs; mumbling it will be my downfall as he cautiously gets up to his feet, his eyes on me.

"Maybe, but I think he's worth it" I shrug

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