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A/N This chapter does contain mxm sexual interaction. I have put this in bold, so if you don't want to read it, skip that part.

I paced the floor for hours full of anxiety. I couldn't believe Nick just upped and left, leaving me here, hours from home. It was the first time for years I have felt so alone and I didn't have my dog here. I wondered again what happened to him, Nick said the he was probably drugged and the guy took him. I wasn't sure I believed that, he was an ex Police dog after all that was trained to restrain people.

I had tried a shower to relax, I even had two. I tried to watch TV but I couldn't sit there and watch it. I was hoping maybe we could had sat in bed together like when we were teenagers on a Friday night and watch a movie, but he went out. I know he wanted to deal with what happened, but I worried; terribly. I've never been so scared in the whole of my life, not even when I was beaten or homeless. Every little noise made me think someone was coming for me, but even more I was scared for Nick. He promised he'd be back, but what if he doesn't, what if I never see him again. I'd never forgive myself if he got hurt because of me, I'd never be able to live if he died. Even though he was never there with me, he was a huge part of my life, a part I doubt I could live without.

I finally collapsed on the bed around midnight after exhausting myself; I didn't even bother climbing in the bed and just lay there in only my jogger bottoms. It has been such a long, weird day, but enjoyable regardless because it was a day spent with Nick. I just wish the evening had been spent with him too. Whenever I was with him, it seemed he'd never been away and even though my life was good, it was always better with Nick around. I wonder what it would be like if he never had to go away; he was always here.

I felt warmth on the back of my neck and little tickles on my back that felt like someone were stroking it; it felt good. I moaned and snuggled further into the comforter beneath me. I then felt something warm on my shoulder and my name spoken. I hummed.

"I'm back Sammy" a deep voice silently spoke and I thought what a lovely dream. 'Yeah, nice' came out my mouth. Nick was back. A throaty chuckle came next and warmth came up and down my arm with a 'you're cold, you should be in bed'

"Yeah" I mumbled in agreement. I should be tucked up in bed but I was waiting for Nick. But he's back. "Nick, you're back" I immediately woke up, turning onto my side to face him

"Yeah" he smiled "And you're cold. Why aren't you in bed" he asked, his rough hand still rubbing up and down my arm, bringing warmth into the chilled limb.

"I guess I fell asleep waiting for you" I got up onto my elbows so I could see him better; he didn't look harmed, but I still asked if he was alright.

"I'm fine Sammy" he chuckled "even better now I'm back" and smiled.

"Did you meet the guy alright" I asked worried that things hadn't gone as he planned.

"Yeah, everything is good Sammy" but he didn't look like everything was good. He looked troubled.

"You sure you're not hurt, I've been worried" I reached out and touching his arms and chest; just to make sure.

"I promise you, I'm not hurt. I don't want to talk about it though"

I didn't want to push him, so I nodded but. Was I safe now, could I go home. I didn't want to ask the question, which could wait till tomorrow. Instead I lay back onto the bed with a sigh, closing my eyes.

"You sure you're alright Sammy" Nick asked, concern evident in his voice.

"I've just been worried that you wouldn't come back. I'm all good now" I smiled and opened my eyes to see him leaning over me, one hand coming to my face. I looked up to him and just stared into his dark eyes as his thumb stroked my cheek. "I don't ever want to lose you" I whispered.

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