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The day had been excellent till the park and the thugs showed up. It was obvious what they wanted and I would have stayed to support Nick even though there was no way I'd do much; I just wasn't a fighter, but could take a kicking to help him. I wanted to argue with him when he told me to go to the car, but Nick being the person he was wouldn't let anyone lay a finger on me, so I left. When he came back 6 minutes later unharmed, I almost cried in relief.

"Dinner" was all he asked, but I wasn't really hungry after all I'd eaten and my stomach had been in knots. I wanted to ask what he'd done to the guys, but couldn't. I guessed they were still alive and he didn't seem to have blood on him.

That night after we'd eaten we sat in our room chatting, deciding we didn't want to watch another movie. Both us sat on the bed leaning against the headboard and Nick told me more about his life, well what he done in his spare time which wasn't a lot. He swam first thing in the morning and worked out of an evening. And he told me all about his construction business, the projects he'd done and what he was planning. I could tell he was passionate about it all and I was pleased he had something so positive in his life.

I then asked about his other work, how they recruit if they're such a hidden organisation.

"You don't join the organisation, you're born into it" he sighed. "A female will usually marry a male who's born with the blood as they say. Not everyone kills. Like I said, we all have another job and many have careers in a field and are seen as spies, looking for and digging up dirt and reporting it. Some go about their lives with no hassle at all. Mostly everyone has normal lives growing up, School, friends, dating; the normal. I think my Father went crazy when his Mother died and I was unfortunate to be born"

"I'm glad you were" I interrupted "Otherwise I'd never have known you and probably be dead by now"

"You're the reason I carry on" he half smiled "Think I'd be dead too if I hadn't met you"

I asked why, not understanding why he thought he'd be dead if it wasn't for me. I've never seen him much and if I did, I couldn't protect him.

"Because I hate the life and there's really no leaving it. My Father wouldn't allow me to take a normal job, he expects me to follow in his footsteps. If I refuse, he'd probably kill and replace me. I'd welcome it if I didn't have you in my life" and put an arm around my shoulder, bringing me to his side.

"Oh" I replied. So, he put up with it for me. I wasn't sure I liked that and told him so, adding on the end "I wish there was a way you could get out of it and have a normal life"

"Me too Sammy" he murmured into my hair "Me too".

After sitting like that in comfortable silence for a good twenty minutes, I felt real tired and decided to have a shower before climbing into bed. Unfortunately Nick didn't want to join me in the bed and decided to sit on the chair and do something on the computer for a while. I didn't understand his reluctance; it wasn't as though he hadn't been in the bed with me before and we had actually slept in the same bed. Maybe it was because I asked him to have sex with me and he feared I'd ask again. Well I wouldn't, but don't think I'd have any qualms if it did happen again. That was probably wrong of me because I did love Robyn and didn't want to be a cheater, but there was something about Nick. I closed my eyes wondering what it would be like to have him around all the time, and possibly be with him instead.

Waking up the next morning, Nick was already showered and sat next to me, staring at the wall deep in thought.

"Morning" I said, rolling onto my side to face him.

He repeated the statement, looking down to me with a smile and asking how I slept.

"Good" and returned the same question, him giving the same answer.

"If there was any place you could go, where'd it be" he asked.

I wasn't sure, I've never thought about it because I've never had the means to go anywhere. "The beach" I finally answered after some thought "Miami maybe" I added.

"Would you like to go there; like now" his voice so serious.

"You're offering to take me to Miami" I smiled.

"Not technically"

I sat up frowning, not understanding what he was getting at.

"I'd drop you off, maybe you could get your girlfriend to join you, for a vacation" he continued.

"Why" I choked out "Why can't you come" I wanted to go with him, not Robyn.

"I need to go back, I kind of just left without word" and he turned to face the wall again.

"I won't go if you're not coming" my words adamant and I almost sounded like a toddler.

"I'd prefer it if you were away for a few weeks" his words being spoken to the wall. I knew he was serious, the situation too. When he told me last time he had to go home, he acted in the same way and I hated it.

"Am I in danger", my voice barely above a whisper

"I don't think so" he turned to look at me again "but I'd feel better if you were away for a few weeks while I sort a few things out, make sure no one will come for you again"

"I'd rather just home and be more cautious, maybe stay with Ric"

"No" his voice firm "Don't tell Ric you've seen me"

Again, I asked why.

"I don't want anyone to know you've seen me. That could bring attention to you"

I just nodded, although I never understood his reasoning and told him I really just wanted to go home. These past days have been great to be away and I wish I could stay, but that was with Nick; it was him that made them great and if he wasn't around I'd prefer to be back home. Last time I was left alone to fend for myself things didn't go so well and I didn't want a repeat of that.

"Can you stay with Robyn for a few days" he offered, but I shook my head. Not only couldn't I bring her into this, I had a few bruises on my face and one around my neck from the attack; she'd worry. Plus I had a few bite marks that Nick left and I didn't want her to see them.

"I can't get her involved in this" I gave as a simple answer.

"I'd feel better if you weren't alone for a while" he sighed, closing his eyes. After a deep breath he agreed, but I could tell he didn't like the idea.

"Will you come back" I asked, feeling miserable I only had a few days with him. I expected this to happen at some point though; I just wish we had a bit longer.

Cupping my face in his hands, he promised he'd be back soon. I could live with that, as long as he came back. Maybe he could stay a bit longer too, but I wouldn't ask yet. Instead I gave him a smile and headed towards the bathroom for my morning shower.

Stepping out of the bathroom fully dressed I saw Nick on the laptop, but he obviously heard me and had it closed by the time I got to the bed. Taking a seat next to him, I asked when he was leaving.

"Tomorrow" he sighed which told me he probably didn't want to go back, but we both knew he had to. I just nodded my head feeling defeated, leaning against his shoulder.

"Everything will be alright" he assured, putting his arm across my back and holding me close to him.

"I know" my voice barely audible.

We sat there for a while in silence, on my part taking in his presence and comfort. Eventually he moved away and said we'd better get going. I wanted to protest but knew there was nothing I could really do. I knew he had to get back and the sooner he did, the sooner he could return. With that in mind I picked up our stuff and got ready; At least I had another day. 

RevengeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora