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When I was woken the next morning, I hoped last night was some awful nightmare but when I opened my eyes I realised it wasn't. Nick was standing over me all showered and dressed in dark grey jeans and burgundy shirt.

"What time is it" I asked trying to wake up by rubbing my sore eyes.

"Just after 5, you need to get up and pack some things"

"Pack, why" I asked staring, really noticing him. He's matured well, built up more muscle and looks older than his early twenties.

"You can't stay here Sam" he stated already heading for my closet

"I have work and my girlfriend; I can't just up and leave" I stated, my voice still full of sleep.

"It's not safe here at the moment" he comes back to the bed and sits down "I want you away from here till I know it's safe"

"Am, am I in danger" I can't bring myself to believe this. Yes, I got a visit last night and threatened to stay away from Nick. I can't just leave though, not without answers.

"I don't know for sure. I need to know you're safe. I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to you again because of me" his voice pained, like last night.

"Tell me what's going on Nick" I demanded with distress in my voice, which sounded more awake now.

"As soon as we're away from here, I promise to tell you everything"

"But what about work and Robyn, I can't just leave. They'll call the Police and report me as missing. Robyn would worry"

"Tell them you found out a relative is very sick or something" he pushed, not giving up.

"You know my only known relative is Tom and I just came back from there. Robyn saw him in good health"

He took a deep breath and cupped my face in his large calloused hands and asked if I trusted him. Of course I did, despite what was happening. I should be terrified; well I was, but not because of him. I nodded my head.

"I hate to do this to you, but at the moment you're the only thing I care about. Please, pack some things and let me get you somewhere safe"

Again, I nodded and climbed off the bed so I could pack some things into a bag. I wasn't entirely sure why I was doing this, but I did trust Nick with all my heart. He's always protected me and if he feels I'm not safe, then I should listen to him. I don't know what has happened for me not to be safe, but I'm positive it wasn't intentional on his behalf.

The morning seemed to go by in blur, I called Robyn and said something about needing to be out of town for a few days and spent a while reassuring her I was alright going alone. We'd snuck out the apartment via the back, Nick somehow got the bank to open for him early to withdraw a large amount of money and he brought a second hand car for cash. I wondered how much money he actually had in the bag but daren't ask; the same as I never looked at his bank account even though I had free rein of it. It was his money and I'd rather use my own.

It all seemed too farfetched to me, like something you'd read in a book or watch in a movie, but this was my life at the moment. To get the car he used fake ID that got him into the country so his Father couldn't trace him. He was going by the name 'Nicholas Carter' and looking at his driving license and passport; I would believe they were real. I wondered how he obtained it and why he felt the need to. Did I really know my friend?

"Why Nicholas Carter" I asked as we sat in a diner for some lunch after filling the car up with gas.

"I like Nick and its short for Nicholas. Carter was the only thing I could come up with at the spur of the moment" he replied, giving me a quick glance from his menu "I would have used McIntyre but it was too obvious, so I went with Carter"

RevengeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora