Chapter 14

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It's been two months, one week and three days since my cousin Ivan was killed; shot and I declared his son Dominique as dead, but no body or true motive was ever found. I truly believed he was alive and living out there somewhere. The only thing that unnerved me was he hadn't been in touch with Sam. Part of me believes he knows the truth, how could he not. Dominique lived for that boy, loved him and if he was out there, he'd let him know. Sam hasn't ever confessed to me he'd heard from him, but I knew when Dom first disappeared, Sam did in fact know. I always lived in hope he would return.

After laying Ivan to rest, having a memorial for Dominique and dealing with the organisation, I decided to come home to my family, back to Italy for a while. Of course I gave Dominique a few weeks to contact me at home in the US, but the need to be with my family came too strong.

Sitting at my Office desk, my son Stephen knocks and enters once I give him permission and tells me I have a visitor. Wondering who it could be, I tell him to show them in. I don't know many people around here, but I knew enough to have the odd visitor. What I wasn't expecting though was the man that stood in my doorway, a hard look on his face.

"Dominique" I choked. It couldn't be, but it looked an awful lot like him; same height of over 6" although he didn't look as muscled and was definitely slimmer. His hair was longer and looked like a very deep, dark brown unlike his natural black. He had the same kind of strong features, but his eyes were a light brown, almost a hazel and not their deep, dark brown. This man also had neatly trimmed, fashionable facial hair; Dominique was always freshly shaven.

"Nicholas" he corrected and his voice still sounded deep, but more American.

"Please, could you leave us Stephen" I directed to my son who stood nearly as tall as the man but had a much smaller build. Turning from the man he had been staring at, Stephen looked to me and nodded, almost pouting as he shut the door.

Standing from my chair, I take a couple of steps closer to the man; almost whispering in my shock "Is it really you Dom", has he finally returned. I'm not mad that he chose to come here although technically he never knew the whereabouts of my family, but he could easily gather that information. He was in fact the only person I entrusted with the secret of my family, never wanting them involved with my life style.

"I go by Nicholas Carter now" he said from his spot against the door frame, arms across his chest, looking defensive. I daren't exactly get too close to him; just close enough to take in his appearance in the light of the room. From a distance and quick glance, you wouldn't think it was him, but if you look, you can see it is.

"Where have you been" I ask in a more natural tone, "I've been so worried, have you contacted Sam"

"He told me you declared me dead" his words cold, but not angry.

"Yes" I agreed. "You're Father reported you as missing and with his death, I decided it would make sense"

"Why" he asked in the same tone.

I sit on the edge of my desk and with as much sincerity as I could, I reply "I love you like my son and I know you're better than that. No one would kidnap you, so if you disappeared it was because you wanted to"

When he didn't answer, just seemed to relax a bit I continued "I wanted you to have a chance in life, so if I declared you as dead and you were still alive, it would free you from the organisation. You could start again and be happy"

"How" was all he asked and it could mean anything, but I knew what he meant.

"Everyone assumed you were kidnapped and when you're Father showed up dead, shot and nothing was found to indicate the killer; with you still missing I put forward the theory that whoever took you killed him. You'd probably be dead too and buried some place we'd never find. They bought the idea when you didn't show up for his funeral"

He nodded and then asked 'Who do they think killed him'

"It could be anyone. You know how it works, unless there's family who wants revenge or threats are made, it's taken as it is" I replied "You piss a lot of people off in this life and although no threats were known, doesn't mean any were made. His computer was fried, so no one could gain any data off it and his phone records disappeared".

"And what about you, he was your cousin. Don't you want the person who done it"

Coming off the desk and taking a few steps closer, I shake my head. I'm not stupid; I believe he killed his Father, just not why. There could be any number of reasons why he did, but he wasn't a cold blooded killer and would only do it if given no choice.

"I don't want revenge for his death. I'd thank the person who killed him; he wasn't exactly my favourite person". I chose my words carefully, wanting to tell him I wasn't mad at what he done, but at the same time not say I knew. "And probably want to know why, what brought it about".

His whole body seemed to relax, letting his arms fall to his sides as he tilted his head back and sighed. Bringing his focus back to me, he asked if Sam told me he'd been threatened; even his tone had softened.

"No, he didn't" I replied; now understanding what probably went down.

He nodded and told me the day he disappeared was the day Sam got threatened and attacked. He went to check on him and couldn't go back. He didn't need to give me details, I knew. I was right about him all along; he was just like his grandfather who took revenge on his best friend who kidnapped and killed his wife. At least Dominique had done it in a kinder manner. I told him I understood and I was glad he was here, he was welcome to stay.

Something in him must have broken and I was there to catch him as his body collapsed, lowering us to floor with my arm around his upper body, the other pinning his head to my chest.

"Sam was threatened because of me. He was hurt and I hated that someone done that to him" he choked "I couldn't live with myself if he got seriously hurt because of me"

"I know" I whispered and rubbed at his back.

I felt dampness on my shirt which told me he was probably crying, so I hugged him tighter and let him be; only offering him comfort.

"I won't ever let anyone touch Sammy. He's mine and I want him to be happy, always" he managed to get out between sobs, not hiding the fact he was actually crying. I didn't have an answer for that, so I just continued to hold him, rubbing at his back and head, letting him get it all out.

We sat there on the floor for over an hour, his sobs subsiding but clinging onto me like a child. I wasn't concerned about it, even men cried. I wouldn't admit to him, but I cried when he disappeared, but he was back now and safe. I would keep him that way too. My wife Marie had popped her head in through the door, but I just sent her away after assuring her everything was fine. She knew all about Dominique; or Nick now already. She was a good woman, so I know if Nick agreed to stay for a while she'd welcome him, the same as my children. I just didn't know whether he'd agree to stay and for how long. At the moment though, I didn't care, all that mattered was he was here and in my arms, hurting. At least he trusted me enough to come and break down in front of me. I wondered of his future though and what he would do, but I knew somewhere along the way, Samuel McIntyre would be involved.

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