Chapter 46

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"I like you too," he said after pulling away, breathless. "I was stupid, I realized only after you left."

She only stared, wide-eyed, unable to process his words nor her thoughts.

"Really, I'm sorry. I mean it," he pressed on after seeing her hesitate.

She turned on her heels and ran.

Ran all the way to her home without turning to look back, leaving him standing there on the sidewalk.

There was a jumbled mess of emotions swirling inside her she couldn't make any sense of it.

She wasn't sure whether she can trust him or no. She wasn't sure why did he do what he just did.

He took away her first kiss just like that.

Actually... she was a little mad.

Who is he to think he can do something like that?

She closed the door to her room shut tight and stayed there, sitting on her bed, for the remain of the day, only leaving the comfort where she didn't have to face any reality to grab a little snack for herself.

She tried thinking about what had just happened, but at the same time, she wanted to forget the whole incident.

The night came and weariness washed over her. Her body was tired, but her mind couldn't stop racing, refusing to calm down.

She just wanted to sleep so that she wouldn't think, but she couldn't fall asleep, despite her body exhausted, yawning and struggling to keep her eyes open.

Her mind didn't let her sleep, kept her awake for the majority of the night until the early morning.

The next day, she told her parents she was sick. Uncaring, they let her stay at home without much screaming - it appeared as if they got tired even of screaming, as if she wasn't worth even any words or rage from them anymore.

Well, she couldn't mind at that moment - she was just glad she could stay without any troubles.

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