Chapter 10

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The next day, Oscar came as promised.

After the whole day of them talking in school, they ate lunch together - with an argument from him that he had said he'll eat with her the next time (from when she asked on the first day), and so they settled at one table in the canteen together.

They say alone, no one joining Oscar, but she didn't fail to notice the curious glances from her classmates as they saw them. After all, it wasn't every day that they saw Jeanette with someone else. In fact, they probably had never seen her with anybody, she was just always by herself.

To say they were all surprised would be an understatement.

But to Jeanette's relief, Oscar didn't seem to notice them - or if he did, didn't pay any attention to them. The last thing on earth Jeanette wished for was him asking her about it, about the watchful stares.

How would she reply? That her classmates find it weird for her to sit next to him considering she had never really even talked to any of them before?

They ate lunch together and alone and when they were finished, they took off to the bus stop.

Taking the bus to her house, it didn't take long for them to arrive and she told him to wait outside while she got the dog.

And then they walked around the neighborhood.

Jeff seemed to fancy Oscar the second he sniffed him, jumping around him with his tail wagging.

Oscar looked as if he was in love as well, he petted the dog, squished his face, scratched behind his ears and gave him kisses all over his face adoringly.

Jeanette was glad for the dog. She didn't really pet him that often.

They had a great time.

He went home after two hours or so, but he didn't leave before walking her back to her house.

For the whole time, Jeanette was smiling so wide her cheeks hurt in the evening.

Suddenly, the dog wasn't her reminder of having no friends. Jeff reminded her of Oscar whenever she'd look at the stupidly happy dog from that moment. She'd be reminded of his enthusiasm and energy, always laughing and beaming. Her dog had energy to spare and his tail was always wagging with happiness, there's wasn't all that much different about those two, as she had realized.

But, unlike Oscar, the dog was already old.

And when he passed away a couple days after meeting Oscar, a gaping hole was left in Jeanette.

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