Chapter 33

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Actually, it appeared to Jeanette as if Oscar was trying a little harder to become her best friend again.

Always asked about her day.

Always made sure she feels good and there aren't any worries troubling her.

Always reminded her she can always talk to him.

It felt as if she was being pampered by him. To be honest, she didn't know whether she enjoyed it or no.

Why would he do that all of a sudden?

Jeanette tried to ignore her feelings and so far so good. She was able to think of him as a friend like before, but her heart still ached ever so often upon a glance at him from a distance.

Their friendship was nowhere the same as it used to be, with Oscar as if more overprotective and worrying, and Jeanette as if a little more remaining to the side, a little more reserved than before with him.

It was a little overwhelming to her, after all, all the events happening, the heartbreak, the friendship, Oscar being friendlier again, almost too friendly.

She did not allow herself to think of what the source of his behaviour might be. She did not allow herself to hope he acted that way because he began to feel something new and different.

She didn't allow it because she was trying hard not to get her heart broken again every single day spent with him as a friend.

She told herself she'll stop feeling those emotions, and she attempted to behave normal, as if there was nothing on her mind, but the more she tried to ignore, the more painfully aware of them she was.

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