Chapter 6

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Her last comment made things a little bit awkward and Oscar rushed to apologize.

"No, that's okay. It was a long time ago," she hurriedly added, scolding herself in her mind for saying such a thing. It probably made him uncomfortable, she should've just kept shut. "Do you have any pets?" she went on quickly to change the topic.

When he shook his head, his hair bounced. "No, my dad is allergic to fur."

The door burst open and the teacher stood in them, apologizing for being late.

Jeanette's and Oscar's conversation came to a pause as they focused on the teacher.

The time seemed to go on excruciatingly slowly and she leaned her head against her hand, having trouble to pay attention.

The boy next to her must've noticed and nudged her shoulder. "Her voice is so boring I should record it and listen to it in bed so that I can fall asleep faster."

She let out a loud snort.

The whole class turned to look at her.

"Mind sharing with us, Jeanette?" the teacher asked, her voice sounding ever so slightly off. She was likely angry but tried to sound calm, which wasn't working all that well.

The saif girl looked down on her lap. "Sorry, miss."

She wasn't looking down from embarrassment. She was looking down because there was a grin threatening to appear on her face and her cheeks hurt from suppressing it. She was looking down so that the other won't see the wide smile of amusement plastered on her face.

God, it feels so nice to smile like this.

Normally, Jeanette's only source of entertainment would be the internet. Joking like this with another person was new to her and she loved the feeling.

She stifled a laugh when she turned her head to look at equally amused Oscar.

"If you want, you can come visit me to meet my dog." The words were out sooner than she could even think about them.

And the boy opened his mouth just when the bell rang. Everyone shot up from their seats at once, packing and rushing out.

"That'd be great!" he beamed at the girl. "I've got a bus to catch, talk to you later!" He ran out of the classroom, his last words muffled by the loud footsteps of hurrying people.

Jeanette's eyes practically glowed.

Did she just make her first friend?

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