



The group has returned to the planet Astropolis, where they have arrived at Alphas headquarters.

Once they landed, they came out from Sukar's ship and now wears their battle outfits. But they're all distraught that they couldn't get the light element after the incident of Mercury and his group. While Felisa barely interacts with the others as she's still not in a good mood.

Before they would go back to their dorms...

"Wait, guys... I think I have sense something. And I think it's coming from the sky." Sukar has senses begin to react which they look up to see.

"What is that?"

"Is that..."

To their surprise, they see some sort of a meteorite that is heading towards the Alphas headquarters.

"A meteor!"

"And it's heading straight for us!"

"Quick! We have to destroy it!"

But before they would stop it with their sheer willpower, they begin to see closer to observe what it looks like.

"Wait a minute. I don't think that's a meteor."

"It looks so familiar."

Then it crashed on the ground. The group begins to take a closer look, only they're surprised as they recognize. Which is their robot teacher, Droyd. But it appears to be in bad shape.

But, they noticed that there's something inside of Droyd. When they try to remove it, it appears to be some sort of a large rock. But Lee-yu recognizes that this rock is an energy crystal that came from her home planet. Remember that it has the ability to short circuit any sorts of machines, which can affect Droyd.

They wonder why it was on Droyd, but decide to bring the robot to the laboratory to give a repair. So they can get some information on what happened.




Everyone, including Yuri, Mei, Mele, and Magi, are gathered in the lab where they help Eelin fix Droyd.

Once they're done, Eelin tries to activate Droyd , and she succeed.

Now that Droyd is fully functional, they ask what happened and where the rest of the staff members are. Before that, Droyd becomes surprised to see the presence of the newcomer, Lee-yu.

Droyd: Wait a minute. Is that child a dragon?

Jericho: Well, yes. And her name is Lee-yu.

Lee-yu: Hello!

Droyd: And was she from the planet of Dragons?

Yuri: Yes.

Mele: Do you know about it?

Droyd: Except I never thought about the dragon would resemble a child... But I want to ask why she is she here?

Jericho: it's complicated to explain.

Droyd: But there are reasons why we went out on the mission is to stop the dragons.

Everyone: Dragons?!

Lee-yu: is there something that happened to them?

Droyd: they were planning to travel across the galaxy to massacre every living being.

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