But that's only the backstory of our story, the real story doesn't start at the top it starts at the bottom in the roughest parts of the world.

But even the rough has a diamond if you give them a chance.


A single teenage rabbit Yokai ran through the streets of Neo Edo the police hot on his tail. He wore a yukata with light blue clothing on it of varying shades, his fur a pure white colour whiter than snow, red hazel eyes, a light scar over his eyebrow from a long time ago, rabbit ears that were longer than your average rabbit yokai done in a topknot, and strapped to his back was a katana named Willowbranch handed down to him a long time ago.

His name is Usagi Yuichi and this is his story.

"Wouldn't street rat be a better name? Eh I guess when your emperors a rat you don't wanna insult em," Usagi said to himself out loud as he ran through the streets trying to loose the police on his tail. This whole situation was not his fault.

Yet he can't focus on that now he needs to make sure he looses the police first. Usagi stopped at a alley and ducked into it jumping through into a window and pressing hard against the wall. His ears twitched as he waits for the guards to run past the window. After a moment he hears them run past the window and without hesitation he jumps back out running back the way he came grinning victoriously when he crashes right into someone twice as large as him. He falls over and looks up expecting the worse only to grin sheepishly. "Hey Gen how's your day going?" Usagi asks.

His friend Gen is a rhino Yokai who's front horn was cut off by Usagi himself accidentally a few months ago. It will grow back eventually, but it'll take at least three years before it's fully grown back.

He wore a dark purple vest and grey pants. He towered over most and looked at usagi with disapproval.

Gen grabbed Usagi off the ground and pushed him to the feet taking him out of the alley and into the crowd so no more guards spotted him.

"How many times have I told you not to get into trouble with the guards?" Gen asks. "It wasn't my fault! They tried stealing from a kid on the streets and I stopped them but then they rattled to the police and they didn't believe me," Usagi defends himself.

"Also I stole from them," Kitsune adds brightly appearing on Usagi's otherside.

She's the real street thief of Neo Edo. Able to swindle anyone and even if you watch her hands she'd still find a way to pick your pockets dry. That's how Usagi had met her. She had complimented Usagi's pet as a distraction to pick his pockets, and then complained when she found out he was broke.

He then later gave her some of his food when he food when he found her starving on the streets. Ever since Kitsune decided to take Usagi under her wing and be his city guide, even if Usagi insisted he was alright by himself.

Kitsune is a fox Yokai with her reddish orange fur bright and youthful like her eyes a happy ice blue, her hair pulled back in a puffy ponytail that turned white at the end like a foxes tail, she wore a black shirt under a green vest with dark pink flowers on it, green track pants of the same shade, and black sandals.

"How did you steal from them? I saw you on the other side of the street," Gen said. Kitsune proudly held up Spot, a Tolka mini dinosaur looking creature with spotted markings on his body, and innocent black eyes. He was Usagi's bestest friend ever and the two have never been separated before. In his jaw was a gold necklace, though by the dents it was probably made of very little gold if anything. "I've been teaching Spot to steal!" Kitsune proudly proclaims as the Tolka dropped the jewel in her hands.

"Hey! Do not teach innocent and sweet Spot to steal," Usagi said grabbing Spot from her and hugging him protectively the Tolka eeping softly.

"Kitsune you need to stop stealing! Remember what Chizu said? People, mainly criminals, are disappearing off the street," Gen whispers and Kitsune rolls her eyes. "Oh come on they haven't caught me yet and they won't catch me now," Kitsune said confidently.

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