11. New boy•

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Monday! Monday ! Begining of a new term and section. Back to school every where, even my notes book covers has it written, It is so exciting and refreshing above all wearing everything new even my inners are new,the only thing that is not new is me. My shoe are new and black as ever. I kept on polishing them yesterday and even today before coming to school. Lol

You know jss1 student and big bag well that was how we both carried our loaded school back pack and lunch pack mine was barbie themed while iki's is sofia the first.

We got lucky to be in the same class again and the same seat! but I know it is for the main time before classes start properly, 'cause I know they will separate our sit when our new class teacher get to know us well even if he doesn't mami will come herself and ask them to separate out seat. only few of our class mate are in this class or I think is because not everyone has resumed.

Our classes are divided into A, B and C  and we are both in B class. New teachers have been coming in and going out each period and all they did was introduced themselves and the subject they will be teaching us, we are going to be taking 12 subjects now!, me that even five subjects are gives me hard time during exams and now it's 12.

We are having civic education now and the teacher is not around so every one is either engage in a little chitchat or is outside but within out class premises, I look around the class they are many new student most of them are girls and only two boys, I look at the boys who sat close to each other then my eyes caught Iki who was sitting next to me ogling on them. She is at my left side and the boys are in the second row at my right. I wave my hands in front of her but Iki did even notice what I did which means she is so engross, wow her eyes is specifically looking at the boy with water bottle around his neck, he is fair and has full hair with am sure the school despline master will ask him to cut it all.

I tap her. No response. I tap again, still no response "iki!" I shout out her name which made the other students close to us to look at us pluse the boy Iki was looks at is now looking at us but she did notice it because she was also looking at me confused "what?" She asked pissed, raising her brows

"Nothing" I said chuckling at her

"Dalla I don't want this type of play" annoyed, she glare at me.

"Am serious, I just saw some one looking at you. Look at that boy" I pointed towards the boy. She immediately put her hand on her mouth and open her eyes widely.

"Are you serious?" She asked me smiling, anxiously waiting for my answer.

Seeing that she was anxious about it, ignoring her, adjusted my hijab and rub my jaw in a male likes manner.

"Anam tell me" she is staging my hand forward and backward

"Hey hey don't break my hand" i look away crossing my arm

"Okay I have stop"

I turn "Will you get me ya Abdul's phone?" If not with ya Abdul phone I don't know how i will be able to call fahad so I immediately had to come up with this idea.

"What are you going to do with it" she asked curiously

"just get it for me"

"Okay, I will. Now tell me did he really looked at me"

back to business "yes, he did and he was even looking at you specifically" I said feeling excited even though I lied 'cause he wasn't 'specifically' looking at her

"Really" she ask her excited expression not giving anything away.

"Yes yes, now tell me why we're you busy ogling at him.

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