You don't deserve her (Chapter 14)

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I stare at Rebekah in shock while she sits there with a smug look I look down at my hands which still hold the shackles. I put them to the floor before snapping the chain with my foot with the strength I have left  "You should be angry with me"

I rub my wrists and stand up straight and face her "I am but I know that I am also in the wrong"

"I don't think your wrongs coming anywhere close to amounting to mine"

"How long has your humanity been on?"

I bite my lip gently before looking away from her "Since I was put in that cell"

"And you didn't tell anyone, why?"

I begin to walk out "Why do you think?"

I walk through the Salvatore house until I reach the cellar I open the freezer and pull out a blood bag and begin to drink from it. I savour the taste I was denied for so long "You have been punishing yourself"

I throw down the blood bag still not full enough I grab another and rip it open and drain another but hunger is insatiable. I throw down the blood bag "It's not enough I need it from the vein"

I move away from the freezer and begin walking out to the main area my lust for blood wasn't there these past few days but now I've had a taste for blood it's all I want "Sister seems you've been let out"

"You should be mad also"

My vamps face comes through I can hear the beating of Damon's heart and Stefan's and Rebekah's as she joins us "Well we do stupid things well we have our humanity off...You look terrible"

My hand comes to my face where I trace the veins that don't seem to want to leave "I'm hungry"

"Well we have an endless supply of blood bags"

Rebekah places a hand on my lower back I turn to her and she has a worried expression on her face but that's not what I'm focused on. Her heartbeat beats steadily and it's almost as if I can hear the blood flowing through her veins "Addy?"

My eyes quickly move away from her neck to her eyes and move away from her and walk over to Damon and hold out my hand "Where are your keys?"

"Car keys?"

He asks in a sarcastic tone "Damon give me your keys now"

He holds up his hands in surrender and walks over to the dish bowl on the side and pulls his keys out "You scratch my car we are going to have problems"

He holds them up and I snatch them out of his hands and begin to walk away "You might want to fix your face before you go out in public"

I scoff and shut the door I walk up to the car and get in I let out a breath and lean back and rest my head against the back of the seat. I close my eyes and breathe out a sigh of relief at the quiet but it's stopped short when the door opens and I smell the familiar scent "Go away Rebekah"

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