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It was nine at night & Raiza Hikari was on a video call with her bestfriend Mika Lirai.

While lounging in her pajamas in her beloved bedroom, chatting & laughing with her bestfriend on the phone, the power suddenly goes out.

"Rai, you okay? Why did it get dark there?" Mika asked when noticing the lights go off through the phone.

"I don't know" Raiza replied, sitting up from her laying position on her bed & looking around the darkness that suddenly enveloped her room.

"Maybe there's a problem with the power supply. Lemme go check" The redhead informed her bestfriend & activated her quirk so she can emit light from her eyes.

"Call me back when you fixed it, kay?"

"Kay" Raiza smiled & hung up the call.

Getting up from her bed & leaving her bedroom, Raiza made her way downstairs. Halfway down the stairs, the sound of something drop to the ground catches her attention.

What the hell? She thought, baffled.

There wasn't anyone else in the house other than her. Her parents were going to come back at midnight from their date & her brother was at a friend's sleepover.

Slowly, Raiza made her way down the remaining steps & when she got to the bottom, something else fell. A vase. The sound of it shattering to pieces once it hit the floor startled the redhead. She felt goosebumps on her skin & her pulse quickened.


Raiza froze in her spot.

Who said that? The fuck, I'm literally home alone. .

Raiza could tell it was a girl by the voice & she sounded a few feet away from her.

Raiza didn't respond. She didn't know if she should.

How did she know her name? How did she even get in the house?

"How are you, Raiza-chan~?"

Raiza gasped when cold hands grabbed her by the shoulders & spun her around. Not only could the girl see Raiza's face now, but Raiza could see her face too, aswell as her body.

Infront of her was a relatively petite, fair-skinned girl with ash-blonde hair styled into two messy buns with numerous wild strands sticking out at all angles from their center & where they're fastened, a straight fringe & two chin-length side bangs to frame her face. She was wearing what appeared to be a middle school uniform, but with a few additional gadgets & pieces.

Her bright yellow eyes were slightly inward-tilting with thin slits, resembling those of a cat. The blonde's cat-like eyes inspected Raiza's face, her rather feline mouth forming into a grin, cheeks reddening at how pretty her victim was.

Raiza wasn't just scared of the blonde, she was terrified! She'd no idea where or how the blonde entered her home. She was sure she locked all the windows & doors. . .

But Raiza knew she'd seen this blonde somewhere before, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

Then it hit her.

She'd seen her picture on the news last week. She was reported for killing innocent people for their blood. She was part of the League of Villians & was one of the most dangerous villains in the group. Mentally unstable & very skilled when it came to knives. . .

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