Aurora let's out another soft whine as she reaches out her arms to be held, and Scarlett's smile grows as she places her hands underneath the little ones armpits and lifts her over onto her lap. Her legs end up either side of Scarlett's own, her head coming to rest against her chest just beneath her chin. Scarlett presses a tender kiss against the top of her head as gently trails her hand up and down her back, her voice a quiet murmur as she speaks.

"How did you sleep baby?" She reaches her hand up to cup the back of her head, fingers combing gently through Aurora's sleep mused tresses.

Aurora simply nods her head, silently telling Scarlett that whilst yes, she had slept good, she wasn't quite ready to vocalise that just yet. She does however nestle as close to the woman's chest as she could, her hands clinging to the material of her robe as her cheek settles to rest on the bare skin of her chest from where her robe had slipped down slightly.

"Yeah? Are you ready for some breakfast?" Scarlett asks, and Aurora nods again as her bleary eyes subconsciously flutter shut. "Sleepy baby." The woman murmurs as she rises to her feet, giving the girls behind a soft pat as she wonders out of the room and makes her way down the hall towards the bathroom.

"Go use the toilet my love." She instructs as she sets Aurora down onto her feet in the threshold of the bathroom, and whilst the little one grumbles in dismay at being set down, she does comply with the woman's words and uses the toilet.

After a gentle reminder to flush and wash her hands, she soon finds herself back in Scarlett's arms. The woman hums lightly beneath her breath as she carries the little one downstairs and into the kitchen, smiling at the sight of her wife stood in front of the stove seemingly cooking breakfast.

On the counter next to her sat three cups. Two coffee's, and one, she assumes, milk, and Scarlett sighs in content as she passes the threshold of the room and lightly clears her throat to announce her presence.

Olivia startles lightly at the sound as she whips her head up, the corners of her lips quirking up into a grin at the sight of her two favourite people.

"Good morning." She greets cheerily as she briskly wipes her hands off on a clean dishcloth before making her way over, holding out her arms on the off chance Aurora would allow herself to be held.

The little one smiles slightly as she allows herself to be transferred over into Olivia's arms, burrowing her face into her neck and taking in that soft, comforting scent that seems to envelop every one of her senses.

Olivia grins softly as she pats the little ones behind a couple times, "How'd you sleep my love?" She wonders, heading back over to the stove to turn it off. She silently gestures for Scarlett to take over dishing up, and Scarlett nods in understanding as she sets down her coffee and heads over to the cabinet to pull out some plates.

Aurora sighs softly as her hands instinctively begin playing with the baby hairs at the nape of Olivia's neck. "Good." She whispers, and the woman smiles as she sits herself down at the table with the little one on her lap. 

"Yeah? I'm glad. We have lots of shopping to do today. Are you excited to get some new toys?" She asks, her hand placing repetitive, gentle pats to the small of Aurora's back.

"Toys?" Aurora asks as she sits up in the woman's arms, inquisitively tilting her head to the side. Olivia grins as she tucks a messy strand of hair behind the little ones ear, the pad of her thumb trailing gently over the soft skin of her cheek as she pulls her hand away.

"That's right," Scarlett softly cuts in as the sets two plates down onto the table, heading back for the third and the drinks before sitting herself down next to the two. "There will be a limit of course, but you can get whatever you like." She grins, handing over the cup of what she could now confirm was warm milk. 

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