"I think you both have already done enough, no need for more of your bad attitude." - Alessandro interrupts. 

"Don't think so."

"Neliana! No talking back!" - Slowly Alessandro gets pissed and that's for nobody good. Especially for the one who is responsible for it. But maybe Neliana needs exactly that. A clear rejection. Both seemed very stubborn and convinced that nobody can order them around. At first I'm proud of them, how strong and independent they are, but as the youngest brother and principessa from the second biggest mafia they have to listen to us. And the sooner the better.  Surprisingly she's still calm and seems to not be close to be afraid or intimidated. She looks him directly in the eyes, leans forward and speaks calm and considered. 

"We live in the 20th century and according to the article 21 from the fundamental rights in Italian everybody has the right for freedom of speech. I just say my view at your statement, so it's everything but not back talking." - That I'm shocked is an understatement. She's good and doesn't even fear a pissed Alessandro. The Don of the Italian mafia. I also doubt that Neliono fear him. He sits there, quiet again and let Neliana answer it. Slightly amused. 

As longer I'm with them, talk with them, more and more questions forms in my head. 

Why are they so emotionless around us? 

Why are they jumpy? 

Why did they answer the question about their past with sarcasm?  

Why don't they fear a pissed Alessandro?

And the last question: Why does Neliana know about the fundamental rights?

Before anyone can continue, she speaks up again. "To say it once: We speak when we want and what we want. Have we done the last years and will we do in the following too." She's good. Both are good. They know exactly how far they can go to be still innocent. Also they didn't raise one time their voices and everything they said is true so actually we cannot say anything against them. I know it, Alessandro and Leonardo know it and I'm pretty sure Neliono and Neliana know it too. 

I think the only way how you can come near to them is if you respect them and very important: don't try to order them around. The smallest thing is enough to let them close up. We will work on this later but for now it's important to get answers and without them saying something we don't get them so I try to calm myself down and decide to explain them everything step by step - even if I think they are clever and don't need a detailed explanation but I will do it nevertheless. They earn it. So much. 

"Okay, we respect that but you must understand us. We're just worried. 10 years ago you were kidnapped. Our precious two little brothers and one sister were just go and nobody knows where. We searched. So hard and everywhere but nothing. Everything went down, everybody changed, we were heartbroken but searched nevertheless further and further. A few weeks after your loose, we got an email from the Russian. They had you three. We had fights, wars with them to get y'all back but again ... nothing. -" It's hard to know it but it's harder to speak it our loud. You realize it again and again. And in the end you just blame yourself for it. The inability to find them.

Alessandro and Leonardo are silent, trying to calm down again and on their expressions I can say it slowly works. Neliono and Neliana seem, surprisingly, to listen too so I continue. "A few month the threaten mails go on and we followed every lead like detectives but then suddenly nothing. The mails ended, no more leads and we stood there not knowing what to do. How to move on. 

The first thing we've ever heard again from you was the call from your social worker. They found you both. We all were over the moon and couldn't wait longer to see you again. With each year we got more and more hopeless and then after 10 years heard that you both need custody. It was like wining the lottery." - Neliana raises an eyebrow, haha clever girl. The lottery is nothing for us but it was nice to say it this way. 

"I know. I know." I chuckle. "We were just happy but also confused ..." I pause and I can see the first reaction - very slightly but it's one - from them or more from Neliono. Neliana is still like a stone in contrary to Neliono who clench his jar for the first time but also Neliana looks intense to me like they know what I'm getting at. I took a deep breath and ask the most interesting question for us and if I'm honestly, I'm afraid to know the answer. 

No Riccardo, he will be fine. Likely is he just in another foster home and we can catch him up there. 

"Where is Nelione and why does it looks like that he is even not existing?"

"Where is Nelione and why does it looks like that he is even not existing?"

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