She Tells Her Sire That He Needs To Learn On How To Control His Temper

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"Snowfall. Why does my body feel numb?" He asked her while walking with her.

"Uh. Well, my brother told me that he used his staff pod and he shocked you with it." She said and explained to her sire.

"Hmm. I see. Just inform Soundwave and let him know that I want Starscream to stay away from me until tomorrow. I don't want to see his face." He said to his daughter.

"I will, sire. Just don't worry about him. He's resting and he's staying far away from me. Unless he needs something to get." She said to her sire.

Megatron nodded. He looked and he saw Soundwave. Soundwave looked up and he saw his master and his sparkmate. He walked over.

"Master. It's good to see you up and well." He said to his master using his real voice.

"Yes. Indeed. And your sparkmate is deciding to help me get through my little issues that I have." He said to Soundwave.

"I see. And what options and suggestions did she give you, master." He asked him.

Megatron nudged his daughter. Snowfall chuckled.

"I gave an idea to Sire about him doing mediation. And that I would do it with him so that he doesn't have to do it alone." She says to Soundwave.

Soundwave knew that it was a good idea on what his sparkmate said for their master to do some meditation.

"Yes. That is a good idea actually." He replied back. "And to be honest. It actually works." He says to his master and to his sparkmate.

Megatron and Snowfall both looked at Soundwave. Confused that Soundwave just told them that he meditates.

"You do meditation, Soundwave." Megatron asked him. Shocked that he does meditation.

"I didn't know that you did meditation, Soundy." She said to her sparkmate. Surprised that her sparkmate does meditation.

"Yes. I meditate. It actually clears my mind. I only do it if I get angry or if I get frustrated about something." He said and explained to his sparkmate and to his master.

"Hmm. I see. I guess I should do it. Since I can see that it helps you calm your mood and everything." He says to Soundwave.

Snowfall went and she nudged her sire. He looked at her.

"What." He asked her. Wondering what was wrong.

"Sire. You said you were going to tell Soundwave something. He's right here so it's better to tell him now then later." She said to her sire.

"Ah. Yes. Soundwave. Make sure that Starscream stays away from me for the time being until tomorrow. I don't want to see his face." He says to Soundwave.

"Of course, master." He replied back. "And I can say that Starscream is also trying to stay away from you until you need something. You really scared him. But he knew that he messed up. And he actually learned his lesson." He said and explained to his master.

"Good. But not good I guess." He replied back. "I really need to learn how to control my temper. Because what if I accidentally hurt my daughter." He said to Soundwave.

Snowfall walked over and she placed her servos on his arms. Megatron looked at her and he smiled.

"Don't worry, sire. Soundwave and I will help you get through this." She said to her sire.

Megatron nodded. "Of course we will." He replied back. "And how about tomorrow we start that meditation. What do you say?" He asked his daughter.

She smiled. "Of course, sire. I even said to you that I would do it with you so that you don't have to go through it alone." She said to her sire.

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