|| Coffee || Kim Minji x reader

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Ty for the person who requested this also the Dani request is coming soon

Ty for the person who requested this also the Dani request is coming soon

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-Minji POV-

I slowly walked to the other side of campus for the next class in the pouring rain until someone bumped into me

"Ah I'm so sorry!" The person says as they help me up and bow to me

"I-I-I could get you some extra clothes!" They start to panic

"No it's okay, I'm only a tiny bit wet" I tell them

"Uh anyways I'll see later" the person runs off

When I finally got to my class I see the exact same person that had bumped into me earlier

I decided to sit beside her so I went up the stairs and put my stuff beside her

"O-oh! Your the person I bumped into earlier" they say as they look up

"Im l/n y/n" They stick out their hand for a handshake

As I shake their hand back I introduce myself

"Im Kim minji"

"Nice to meet you, say wanna go out for coffee sometime after class? Just for my way to apologize" y/n offers

"Of course" I answer

After clas finished I went with y/n to get coffee

"The coffee I go to is pretty cozy, most people only think it's a bookstore but it's better" y/n opens the door for me

We go upstairs and I see kinda empty coffee shop playing cozy music and with a whole library in it

"Ah y/n! Brought a date I see" The barista jokes

"Ha ha your funny jake" y/n goes up to the counter

"Anyways want the usual?" The barista asks

"Mhm, and you?" Y/n looks back at me

"I'll just get a hot chocolate" I answer


After a few minutes y/n and I get out drinks and y/n shows me a comfy spot by the window so we could hear and see the rain while we talk and do work

"Please don't tell anyone about this coffee shop, it's my only quiet place when I need to study" y/n tells me

"This will be our little secret then" I sip on my hot chocolate

Y/n and I chat for a an hour or two about school work and life in general

"Ah well I have another class in 30 minutes" y/n looks at their phone

"Here's my number so we can do this again if your ever free" y/n smiles and hands me a note with their phone number

"See ya later minji" y/n gives me an unexpected peck on the cheek before she runs off

-the end-

Idk bro should I make a part 2 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

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