The Hospital

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There it was. Toca Boca Hospital. The last place Tocapu Boca was seen.
I looked over at Detective Goofy.

"Are you sure we should do this ?"

I said, unsure of the decision the detective had settled on.

"Of course I'm sure, don't be silly Moustache."

He said as he was putting on his so-called "costume", it was just human clothes and glasses with a fake nose and eyebrows. Detective Goofy and I have been associates for a while now, and yet, his actions and choices still make me wonder how he became the best detective in town.

"It's Inspector Moustache."

I said as I grabbed a comb to get my mustache back in its correct form.

Earlier today, Detective Goofy had decided to pull out an unsolved case from three years ago.
Tocapu Boca, a 17-year-old kid, and the child of Sir Boca, the mayor of our town. They had disappeared 3 years ago and were last seen in this very hospital. The police weren't able to find them when they searched the building, and after a month of investigation, the case of Tocapu Boca was closed and left unsolved.
And today, it seems it is our turn to investigate.

I put my comb back in its little case and put it in my back pocket. I looked over at Detective Goofy, he was wearing casts on his paws and was standing up, out of the car. He was holding on for dear life on the crutches he decided to take as canes, so much so that he was shaking.

Did I mention we're investigating undercover?.

I smiled slightly and let out a soft sigh, getting out of the car too. I went up to him and looked at him.

"Do you need any help ?"

"No thank you Moutachio, I can walk by myself"

He said, as he started heading to the hospital, shaking like never before.

"Technically, not on two feet."

I mumbled before following him.

We walked together to the entrance of the building before entering it. I looked around. The building was beautiful, yet all I could think about was that teen the case was about. Something didn't feel right about it. Something was wrong.
Two girls came up to us right away.

"Hello sirs, how may we help you today ?"

Surprisingly, my colleague's costume seemed to work, Detective Goofy was passing off as a human.
Goofy rose his "hand" and mimicked what we call a finger gun, well, minus two fingers.

"Hey ladies."

He winked. I looked over at the two girls who seemed to be blushing.

"We're just here to pay a little visit to a friend, but thank you."

He said as he started walking again, the girls following him. I rolled my eyes and followed too.

"Well- maybe we could bring you to the room, who is it ?"

"There's no need, we know our way around here."

He turned to them as best as he could.

"Now, my friend and I have got to go, but maybe I could see you two later, I'd love to see two beautiful ladies like you again around."

He winked again and they nodded, still blushing.

"Okay sir, see you around then."

They left, whispering and giggling like young girls talking about their crushes. I looked at him and sighed.

"Was it really necessary to flirt with the nurses ?"

"Of course it is Moutsachio, come on, think a little."

"Of course."

Goofy started looking around before he turned to me.

"Where do we go now ?"

"How could I know ?"

"Listen, we're working in pairs here, I'm gonna need you to put some efforts into this investigation."

I rolled my eyes again.

"Yes you're right."

I said as I started looking around.

End of chapter one.

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