"Hmmm... fine"... she pouted and stared at her basket to make sure she has gotten everything she will need for the wedding.

She had already given her clothes to a fashion designer to make it look sweet and beautiful....

Her billionaire cousin was getting married for crying loud so she has to make sure everything goes well.

Who was she kidding.... She was looking for perfection in this wedding.

"Are you sure we don't need anything else?"... Hiba seemed worried.

"Yes Hibatu we do not. We have been shopping for a week straight up, don't you pity Asad's money?"... Anas asked.

"Asad has several cards lying around in his room and in different states, he even has a lot more in his offices and he has filled them with money. He is gonna need someone to spend them"... Hiba stated.

Anas only nodded in agreement as they went to the cashier.

The cashier stared at Hiba and smiled.

He was always the one scanning through the things Hiba buys.

"And besides he should be lucky he has someone like me to help him spend all this money"... Hiba stated as she gave the cashier Asad's debit card to pay for what she has bought.

"Is that so"... Anas chuckled.

"Yesss"... Hiba smiled as she picked up the leathers that she has paid for.

Anas' heart melted at the sight of Hiba's smile.

'She looked so angelic and cute with her smile and her short height'... Anas thought.

"Stop smiling and gawking at me like that and help me pack these leather"... Hiba hit him with one of her small leather.

Anas raised a brow.. 'Was my admiration that obvious?'.

"I was not smiling at you Hibatuu"... He lied and helped her pack her remaining leathers.

"Oh really"... Hiba stared at him with a mischievous grin as they walked out of the supermarket.

"Yess really"... Anas opened the boot of the car and the duo started placing the leathers inside the boot.

"You aren't even that beautiful"... Anas stated when they were done placing all the leathers in the boot.

This made Hiba throw her head back and laugh so freely.

"Anas look at me"... She demanded and he stared at her with eyes of admiration but quickly feigned a frown.

"I Hiba Najib is and will keep on being the most beautiful girl you will ever lay eyes on"... she fluttered her long eyelashes as she stated with confidence and damn, she looked so beautiful in his eyes.

She then twirled like the queen that she is and cat walked to the car.

Anas just gaped and admired her and he did not bother to hide.

Something was growing in his heart for Hiba, with each passing day, the feeling was getting stronger and stronger.

An emotion called love was growing in Anas heart for Hiba and he was finding it hard to not hide it as the days went by.


Kamal was watching a movie in the living room when Aneesa carefully walked in with her swollen belly.

Kamal took notice of this and quickly went to help her.

"Easy there my wifey, I thought I said you should rest?"... He asked her as he helped her sit on the cushion.

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