epilogue • two

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Like a small boat on the ocean, sending big waves into motion. Like how a single word can make a heart open. I might only have one match but I can make an explosion ≈ Fight Song, Rachel Platten

Are you kidding me right now? This is not what I need, when my baby is due anytime now. I mean, Kyle could have at least warned me!

You're in so much trouble!

"Gemma?" I tense. And it just got worse.

"Hey, Mum." I say hesitantly.

Mikey's hand tightens in mine, and I feel the sudden urge to throw up. But I hold it back, because I know it's just nerves.

You see, this morning I woke up and found that the Pack was acting a little crazy. People were rushing around and being really loud - well, louder than usual.

I guess I should have known that they were coming. And that Kyle wouldn't have told me.

"Gem, I think you should sit down for a bit." Mikey says softly. I know better than to argue with him. Lately, in my seventh month of pregnancy, pretty much everyone is super over-protective and cautious. I mean, sure, I know that I'm a week over-due but that doesn't mean that I need to have someone with me every second of every day. Sometimes I just need some time to myself, you know?

Michael leads me over to a couch where I sit down. It's kinda difficult with the big round stomach, but Mikey helps me. Once I'm completely sitting down, she decided to speak again.

You have so much explaining to do, Kyle

"Gemma, how are you?"

"I've been better." I reply bluntly. I am not in the mood to deal with my mother right now, in case you for some reason didn't catch that.

"How's the baby?"

"He's great."

"It's a boy?!"


She let's out a squeal of delight. My mother, who I have not seen - you know what I mean - in over a year and seven months, just squealed. And it just proceeds to piss me off even more.

You have a lot of explaining to do.


My breath catches in my throat when I hear his voice. I never wanted to hear his voice again. Not after what he did to me and Leah. And Ryan and Drew and- You get the drift.

"Leave me alone, Aaron."

My older triplet just can't seem to get things right. He leaves because they think it will help me with grieving the loss of my parents and my eyesight, but all it did was make me hate them. However when I found out that Drew actually sent them away, I forgave them and everything was all good between us. Then, almost as soon as I came home from being kidnapped by Jacob, and finding out that my parents are indeed still alive, he leaves. No goodbye, no warning. I wake up one morning with Kyle beside me and Leah in the room as well. I think Ryan was there as well but if he was he was quiet. And I'm told that he left with my parents - if you can call them that. He went back to their old pack and decided that- once again- he was going to leave me with nothing but anger and heartbreak.

And now here he is, when I'm pregnant, showing up and walking straight back into my life like it means nothing.

"Gem, please jus-"

"Gem, come on. Kyle's in the kitchen."

Thankful for Mikey and his awesome timing, I ignore my older brother and let Mikey help me up. We walk into - and this is just an assumption- the kitchen, where I hear Kyle talking to someone.

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