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 My heart wants to come home. I wish I was, I wish I was beside you. ≈ Beside You, 5 Seconds of Summer

The door opened ten minutes ago, someone entering but not saying anything. The air was tense, thick, uncertain. Were they here to hurt me? It's been five days that I've been sitting here in pain, probably covered in bruises and definitely covered in my dry blood.

Five days since I've spoken to anyone.

My parents.



"Gemma?!" His voice is urgent. Worried.


He doesn't know anything that's happened. His voice echoes in my head. The old Gemma would have called herself crazy for hearing his voice, but I don't even have the energy to question it. It must have something to do with the Mark.

"Kyle. I- I did something stupid."

"Gemma, what's going on? Where are you?"

"I don't know. Listen, it's Jacob. He took me. He wants revenge for his mate and h-he's using you and I to get it."

He growls in response.

Not enough time. "I made him angry and purposely made sure he hurt me. I-I remembered what you said about the Mark. He doesn't kn-know you've marked me."

"Gemma, that's the smartest, stupidest thing you have ever done."

His voice is so angry.

"I know. I didn't have a choice, I needed to speak to you." 

"How did you know it would even work?"

I stay quiet, because the truth is I didn't know it would work. I didn't know that the Mark would help me contact Kyle, and him contact me.

"There's more. M-My parents. Kyle, they're alive."

"Alive? Are you sure?"

"Yes. Jacob said he needed to- to... Turn my world upside down. And he wants to k-kill me. He's going to kill me. You won't find me in time."

"I am not going to let that happen!" I want to believe him so badly. But it's not the truth. And I'm not in any position to lie to myself.

"He said - J-Jacob said that if I-I didn't d-die, that he would kill you."

I remember it so clearly. His voice, the way it instantly made me feel safe, even if I was anything but. I don't know how it happened, but somehow when I was asleep I could contact him, I could actually speak to my mate.

Then Jacobs words slither into my mind, crawling in.

"And what if he saves me? How can you be so sure that Kyle won't find me in time?" I challenge him.

His grip on my arm tightens and I gasp as I hear my wrist snap and a whole new wave of pain shoots through my arm, setting it on fire.

"Because if you don't die, he will."

It was a lose-lose situation. I know that I can't live without Kyle, and I know that he can't live without me. That's how it just works with mates.

His eyes are burning into me, and it's pissing me off.

"Can I help you?" I snap.

"Sorry. It's just really hard to believe that you're blind. You don't even look scared." A voice comments. He sounds around the same age as me, but I have no clue who he is. 

"Why the hell do you care if I'm scared?"

I don't know why I feel so defensive. Or so angry, when in reality I should be scared. But all I feel is hot rage. Enough for two of us.

Two of us.

That's it. It isn't just my feelings anymore. It's the mate-bond. It's Kyle's feelings.

"What you did the other day was pretty stupid." He comments.

"I didn't ask for your opinion." I bark back. 

I can feel myself getting riled up. Getting angrier by the second. Kyle, getting angrier by the second. Which means he is most likely listening in. 

Kyle, calm the fuck down. 

I don't have the energy to be nice about it. I haven't showered in nearly a week. I haven't seen- been in the same room as my mate or any of my real family in a week, and I found out my parents have been alive this whole time. Hiding away.

That annoys me more than anything. Not only have they been alive all these years, but they've been hiding with Jacob of all people. I don't care if he saved them, because he also stole them. Stole my parents away from me when I needed them most. Forget the fact that I'm blind, or that I was brought into the Werewolf world. I needed them during my childhood, while I was growing up. I don't know how to feel anymore.

"Just because I'm here, doesn't mean I'm the bad guy!" I flinch against my will, his shouting breaking me out of my trance.

"Unless you give me a legitimist reason to why you're 'not the bad guy' I don't see why I should trust you." I reply, my voice staying even as I ignore the fear creeping up in my stomach, waiting for the right moment to strike me.

"Listen closely, because I'm not sure how much time we have left. I'm Jacobs brother, Andrew, and I contacted Kyle a few days ago, telling him where we are and how to get here. He knows you're here, and what Jacobs plan is. Jacob isn't expecting your mate for another few days but he is already on his way. I made sure security loosened up today, so that it would be easier for them to sneak in. They'll be here soon."

It's a trap. Gemma it's a trap. Don't believe him. The stubborn, untrusting voice tells me in my head. 

What other choice do I have?

"W-why are you helping?"

"Jacob may be my brother, but he isn't himself anymore. He lost his soul when Jess died and he will never be the same again. He's dead to me."

I flinch from the anger in his words, towards his own brother.

"What happens if Jacob finds out you told him?"

"I'll deal with him. You, Gemma, need to get ready. Because you are going home."

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