𝐹𝑎𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑆𝑜𝑛

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About a year after the fight against Belos, Hunter is staying with Darius and wants to sew him something for Father's Day.


"Ouch," Hunter grumbled, sticking the finger in his mouth he had just accidentally poked with the sewing needle.

He had started sewing a sweater for Darius a few days ago. He had gotten some beautiful light purple fabric from the human world. Camila had helped him find just the right one. Then he had gotten some darker purple fabric to sew an abomination on the sweater, just like he had done with his wolf shirt.

But for some unknown reason, Hunter seemed to have lost any talent for sewing. His hands were shaking and he kept pricking his finger. His stitching didn't look neat enough either. He was supposed to be getting better at it.

Luz said he was too nervous and that Hunter shouldn't stress himself too much, but he really wanted everything to be perfect. Darius had done so much for him and he wanted to give him something back. Not to mention that it was also for Father's Day.

Hunter had wrestled with himself for a long time and had come to the conclusion to tell Darius that he was like a father to him. He hoped deep down that Darius also saw him as a son of sorts.

But still he had doubts. What if Darius wouldn't like his gift? Emperor Belos was only satisfied with something if it was done perfectly. And even if Hunter knew that Darius was NOT Emperor Belos, he knew that Darius paid a lot of attention to his choice of clothes. And he also knew that he certainly wouldn't wear Hunter's homemade sweater if it looked ugly.

Sighing, Hunter sank back in his chair and began to turn the needle back and forth between his fingers, lost in thought.

If Darius liked his gift, Hunter would have the courage to tell him he was like a dad to him. But, if Darius thought his gift was terrible, Hunter didn't think he could get the words past his lips.

So he just had to work extra hard! And so, Hunter got back to work.

It wasn't long, however, before he pricked his finger again.

If only he had used the sewing machine to sew the sweater.
Hunter shook his head. No, he had been sure he wanted to sew it by hand. To make it even more heartfelt.

As he continued to sew he noticed that his finger had started to bleed. Hunter frowned. Well, that was typical again. But he had had worse injuries than that, when he had been the golden guard. He didn't mind a little prick like that.

No, what made him go silent was the fact that a small drop of his blood had landed on the unfinished sweater.

"Oh Titan! No, "Hunter muttered in panic as he picked up the sweater with his uninjured hand, carried it out of his room and down the stairs toward the kitchen to wash the blood out. Darius, fortunately, had just gone to settle some business together with Raine, so Hunter didn't have to be careful to avoid him.

In the living room, he passed Eberwolf dozing on the couch, who immediately raised his head as Hunter hurried past him.

"Are you okay?" he asked skeptically, tilting his head, "You look a little stressed."

Hunter shook his head and said in a hushed voice, "No, I'm fine!"

Eberwolf didn't look like he believed him, but Hunter just kept running.

On his way to the sink on the other side of the kitchen, he grabbed a band-aid from one of the drawers. He wrapped it somewhat awkwardly around his bleeding finger and finally stood in front of the sink. Hunter rolled up his sleeves and ran the water.

The Owl House One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें