Chapter 40

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Sia was very guarded.. she didn't show any feelings nor give any information.. but Camille and Sil sure did.. Their grandparents were away for this week.. and Sia was almost alone building her life here.. They also told me Kay wanted to come with them but Sia didn't allow.. so she had rejected Kay one more time..

Ethan is just Sia's friend is what the pups told me.. but I feel there's more to it.. from Ethan's side.. not from Sia.. I feel guilty.. I broke her.. She was so innocent and lovely.. I am responsible for her to become this way..

I needed to find her someone who could keep her happy.. But question is can I? I myself am still truly madly deeply still attracted to her.. and her new confident self is more attractive to me.. her old self was also lovely.. but this new version of her was way more sexier.. But still I need to make sure she had someone to love her and care for her.. and the pups needed someone too..

Today I would be meeting her again.. this week should help me establish a friendship at least with her.. that was on my agenda as well this week along with the work..

I woke up early and reached the office 10mins earlier and even grabbed two lattes one for me and one for Sia..

While I was waiting for Sia.. I saw Ethan and other people walk in and just 5 mins before the meeting could start.. Sia walked in.. She saw me and walked towards me..

"Good morning Alpha Cam, please follow me, it's this way to the meeting room." she said..

"Good morning Sia.. here I got you a latte as well.. " saying so I handed it to her.. and she grabbed it with a grateful smile..

During the meeting, Sia was next to me and I tried my hard to not take a whiff of her scent.. and I kept cool and focussed on the points I had to make and later.. we had to break for lunch..

I wanted to ask Sia, but Ethan beat me to it.. and Sia agreed to have lunch with him.. but before going.. Sia came and told me where I could get my lunch from.. I nodded.. but I had lost my appetite.. I had no interest in lunch.. so I just took my laptop and sat at a nearby cafe and took a sandwich and coffee.

Sia was laughing and heading back at around 3p.m. with Ethan.. She seemed carefree.. Ethan also seemed to be enjoying with Sia.. I had to be happy, but somehow I couldn't..

But this what I wanted for Sia right? She was happy.. and with time, she would accept Ethan into her life.. he was a human but still he seemed good and decent and from what I could see of him, he was good and had a clean record and also seemed genuinely interested in Sia..

I was trying to sort my feelings.. and accept whatever I was seeing.. I wanted Sia to be happy.. and her pups to have a wonderful father figure..who was constant..

After Sia returned.. she came to me and we were all in another meeting.. Later, Sia and I were all alone and she was showing me her designs.. and what her ideas were.. I was impressed.. and told her the same.. She smiled..

Later, I sat in other meetings and Sia told me she would come to pick me at 5pm. I was about to ask her where she was going but she left..

I finished all my meetings by 5pm and saw Sia waiting for me near her car.. "hey.." I said..

"So, are there any places you would like to see around here?" She asked me.. "What about the pups?" I asked.

"I have arranged a baby sitter for them.. She is a reliable lady who helps me out from time to time even when my parents are around.. " She explained..

I was more than happy to take this time I was getting with her.. I was happy she was at least giving some time to me..

"So what are the places we can see.. now " I asked her..

"Well, I could take you to see the local shops.. maybe you would like to buy something for your pup, Allie and other family members.." she said.

I could sense her hurt as she said that.. " Let's go.." I told Sia..

She took me the local wooden toy shops. and helped me pick what Alexander could possibly like.. and later she took me to the place where I could buy my family some souvenirs..

She made me taste the local food which I enjoyed.. i was actually having fun with her... Then she took me to the clothing and jewellery store and said I could buy something for Allie there and told me she would wait outside..

As she was about to leave, I held her arm and pulled her back to me.. "Please stay.. " I said..

She looked visibly upset.. Then didn't say anything and just stood.. I asked the lady to show me different jewellery designs.. I asked Sia if she liked any and she didn't reply.. She seemed engrossed in her phone..

I selected 2 sets.. and got 1 packed while the other I asked to be put in a special package and that was for Sia..

I took and put all items in a shopping bag.. I asked her if we could stop by for dinner..

She took me to a dinner place.. and we both sat for dinner..

I got to know that Sia's schedule is really busy.. She teaches underprivileged children on weekends.. and on some weekends and weekdays she does do her bit at the church volunteering or even take care of the elderly.. I was impressed.. All that she does..

"So, I am impressed that you do so much,. but you don't have time for yourself at all Sia.. that's not healthy right.. You need to take some time out for yourself as well.."I said..

"I don't need to have time to myself.. Alpha Cam.. it's better that way. I'm so exhausted that I don't have time to think about anything and that's really good for me." Sia replied..

I now understood this was her way of dealing with her pain.. I wanted to hug her and tell her I'm sorry.. I didn't know what I could do at that point..

But I was a coward.. I just kept looking absentmindedly at my food..

Sia had already finished her food and was waiting for me to finish.. I then gobbled up and paid the bill and stood up to leave..

Sia refused to allow me to pay for her.. "Sia.. I am sorry.. " I said.

"For what Alpha Cam?" she asked..

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