Chapter 16

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At the coffee shop..

Alpha Cam

While all of this was running through my mind on one hand suddenly I became aware of the position I was in.. with Sia..  She was holding me and I was holding her, she seemed to have stopped crying and was slowly becoming aware of the position we are in.. 

She looked up at me and said "Alpha Cam, I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to.." 

But I wouldn't let go of her.. my inner wolf and I both liked her so close.. it was soothing.. I didn't want to.. She was also saying those words but not letting me go.. She seemed to be looking into my eyes and I in hers.. Then I couldn't hold any longer, I just bent towards her and and saw that she didn't resist.. I gently kissed her on the lips.. I saw her hesitance but then once I started kissing her with passion, she started to match mine.. It was something I never felt with anyone.. I guess this is what having a mate feels like.. kissing her feels like.. and my inner wolf was howling and suddenly I could hear Sia's wolf feeling the same joy as well.. f****, this is what it feels like, so many years I spent searching for this feeling.. now I am experiencing it.. wow.. I don't want it to stop ever.. I feel so whole.. 

Then as if splashed with cold water after a beautiful dream, I remembered Sia is mated.. that was the awful scent which was on her attached to her but while I was kissing her all I could sense was her original scent only and not anything else.. At the same time, Sia seemed to have remembered.. she suddenly pulled away from me after we stopped kissing each other.. 

"I'm sorry Alpha Cam, I can't believe this just happened.. " saying softly she tried to get up and go.. but I held on to her hand and put it on my heart.. and told her... yes.. after this unexpected turn of events.. I decided to tell her "Sia, wait.. don't you feel it? Can't you still understand what it is.. " Sia looked at me confusedly at first and then realisation dawned on her the same time I told her "Sia, you are my mate." 

She gave me a look which I couldn't decipher.. Then, she told me "Alpha Cam, I need to go home.. will you drop me please.."

I nodded and we both got into the car wordlessly, both lost in our own thoughts at the realisation.. While driving, I felt the urge to hold her hand.. she also left her hand freely for me to hold.. as we were nearing.. I held her hand.. She looked up.. I could feel everything she was feeling already though she was marked.. 

"We will work through this Sia.. I need to talk to your father as well.."

She gave me a slight smile and said  "I am able to feel your feelings as well.. Good night Alpha Cam."

"It's just Cam for you Sia.. whatever may come out of this.. " I said. 

"Ok Cam.. but in office it would be still Alpha Cam.. " she said. 

I so wanted to hug her.. she looked at me longingly as well.. and then after she left I shook my head and left.. 

I am going to have a long night and day as well tomorrow. 


One moment, I was sitting at the cafe and drinking coffee with Alpha Cam.

Next moment, I was spilling my whole life story, and later I was feeling this crazy pull.. towards him, heck I always did.. but I wrote it off as attraction towards a very good looking Alpha and to my inexperience with the ways of the world as I was only exposed to my tribe and its traditional ways.. Little did I know that he was my mate.. And today I experienced the true power and beauty of having a mate.. And wow.. kissing him was surreal.. 

Until i suddenly remembered about Kay and my pups.. Oh Moon Goddess, what has happened with me.. How could this happen to me? I need to have a talk with my mom and dad.. 

It was a little after 10pm here meaning I need to wait till my morning to have a conversation with them.. I couldn't sleep.. but I was exhausted.. I had a long day.. I decided to watch a movie to relax and get some sleep.. But the movie was reminding me of my mate.. I felt so many mixed emotions at the moment.. Kay, Cam.. what is happening.. 

I knew Kay wasn't my mate.. so who was Kay's mate if I was Cam's?

I wanted to switch off my brain, so I decided to watch an action movie instead.. and while watching it I just dozed off probably around midnight after maybe checking my phone multiple times.. 


I left a message for Dinhe. And also wrote an official mail to Omega of Mayban (Sia's tribe) asking him to contact me and gave my personal number to him and told him it was matter of great concern. 

Dinhe called me in 10mins around 10pm.. I was surprised.. that he contacted me so fast..

I told him the entire evening that had transpired between Sia and me.. leaving out the kissing part.. 

He said he will also be present in the talks with the Omega.. He wished me good luck and that he was with me no matter what I chose.. I thanked him and hung up. Later, I was drifting off into my own thoughts.. and looked at my phone if Sia had messaged.. Nope.. just Jake my Beta left a few work related messages which I responded to.. 

So, this could go either way for Sia was already mated. She had the power to choose.. And all I wanted to ask the Omega was if he was aware of the possibility of  Sia having a mate or a chance at having her own mate and if despite all of this, he chose to not get her to the Ball. Heck, I was there at every Ball waiting like an idiot for my mate to show up while she never came.. instead got mated to a guy who wasn't even her mate and raising pups with him.. Damn, it made me boil, my wolf came out and I went for a  run to cool down.. 

I needed to ask Omega what happened with Savannah.. who was her mate? what was he hiding? what made him not give Sia a chance at finding her own happiness? 

After returning from the run, I was exhausted.. and then drifted off to sleep.. 

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A/N : Hi all, are you happy with the fact that Sia and Cam are mates? please vote 

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