Eleanor Morton

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The Ravenclaw common room was often a nice place to be. Its hosts were generally quiet, yet original people, and Amanda enjoyed that; she hadn't managed to bond with a lot of her housemates yet, but she found herself at ease nonetheless. It was her first year at Hogwarts, so she was still adjusting.

Honestly, her only friend at the moment was Tom Clover, a Hufflepuff who she got to see only outside of the Ravenclaw dormitory (obviously). They had met in her least favorite class, Astronomy, and they had gotten along from the first moment; well, maybe too much, because they got in trouble way too fast. His personality was explosive and it balanced well with Amanda's, who was more reserved. He was fun, so he kind of dragged her into a series of silly antics that greatly amused her. Well, the owl thing crossed a line, but she wasn't innocent.

The problem was that she had snitched on him with Professor Less, then with Professor Snape, and now he was ignoring her. That morning he turned his head the other way when they bumped into each other at breakfast, and it stung. She felt like she deserved it, but she also was kind of angry. What choice did I have? Less would have discovered it, sooner or later.

At least Leon Hudson had her back, even if they didn't talk much. He was a bright and focused student, and he seemed to like her company; he, too, was a Ravenclaw. They had the DADA and Potions classes in common, but nothing else, really. She had tried to convince him to join Sprout's garden project, but he didn't seem enthusiastic about the idea, so she just dropped it. He was more interested in Quidditch, which Amanda didn't like that much.

Another girl from her dormitory had gotten her attention. Her name was Eleanor Morton, a third-year student, and Amanda didn't know much more. She always looked like she was up to something, on her feet all day long, jumping from one group of friends to another, always cracking jokes. She had a spark that Amanda hadn't seen in a lot of students and it charmed her. She really wanted to be her friend, but she didn't know how to approach her.

Coincidentally, Eleanor was on her bed studying at that very moment; she was turning page after page at an alarmingly fast rate with her wand while taking notes with the other hand. She had her hair in her face, blonde strands everywhere; books were randomly piled on her mattress, and her hands were covered in ink. Her messy vibe was overall comforting.

Amanda was thinking of how to open a conversation when Eleanor raised her eyes from the book. "Don't you know that staring is rude?" she said, closing her book with a loud thud. Amanda, taken by surprise, opened her mouth. She could feel she was blushing and tried to think of something clever to say, but before she could do so, Eleanor smiled. "I'm joking, relax." she giggled.

Amanda smiled shyly, and replied: "I'm sorry."

"Hello sorry, I'm Eleanor", she said, before adding: "Sorry, it's my favorite dad joke". Eleanor looked amused, not in a malicious way, but rather entertained.

Amanda giggled. "I'm Amanda, I'm new here."

"I know who you are. You're Knight, the owl poisoner, right?" asked Eleanor with a mischievous smile. Amanda blushed and nodded, feeling a little embarrassed. "Well, I was involved. And you are the one of the gender-bent Snape episode, right?" she replied. Eleanor giggled again, and asked: "Wanna do something fun?"

Amanda hesitated a little, but then she nodded.

Eleanor got up, and she whispered: "ok, but first you have to promise not to tell anyone". Amanda crossed her arms, ready for almost anything.

"I promise."

Eleanor's plan was simple. She wanted to pull a prank on her Slytherin friends, and she needed an accomplice to make it work.

"So I'll distract them, and you'll slide these in their pockets." Eleanor showed her two minuscule crystal objects, pulling them out of her pocket. It was a couple of little hearts with a rune engraved on each one. "And yes, that was what I was studying." she giggled. "What do they do?" asked Amanda worriedly.

"Let me show you." Eleanor waved her wand, and they immediately started... playing ridiculous Muggle love songs?

Eleanor laughed hysterically. "This will be glorious, and I'll tell you why." she lowered her voice in a whisper, and explained: "They have started talking shit about a half-blood boy being in the House. They need to be humbled, and I want to make it memorable."

Amanda was in awe. "Can I trust you?" Said Eleanor very seriously. She nodded enthusiastically in response, with an excited grin all over her face.

Amanda liked Eleanor's attitude. She just seemed like she didn't care, and well, it looked good on her.

"But wait, aren't them your friends?" she asked, frowning a little. After all, friends are people you choose.

"I don't associate with classist idiots." Eleanor replied immediately, visibly annoyed "They weren't like that when I met them, but I guess that everyone reveals themselves sooner or later."

Amanda smiled wide, reassured by her words.

"Well then, let's go!"

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