twelve: apocalypse

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"your lips, my lips. apocalypse."

Alice stands beside Raven as they prepare more bullets. Alice is telling her about her situation with Jasper, filling the silence. Raven intently listens to the girl, allowing her to ramble on. Once Alice finishes her story Raven makes a comment. "I'm really sorry to hear that Al, you deserve better."

Raven smirks as she side-eyes Alice, "But Bellamy? Really?"

Alice softly laughs at Raven. "I'm not sure. He's a nice guy when he wants to be. But he probably doesn't feel that way for me anyways. He's always with off Clarke."

Raven rolls her eyes, "Clarke needs to back off from Finn and Bellamy. It's getting annoying." The two of them laugh together.

Raven looks at Alice as Alice focuses on pouring the gunpowder. "Bellamy would be dumb not to go for you. I mean, look at you. Good looks and great personality."

Alice looks at Raven as she smiles,  "I could say the same thing about you and Finn. You're a catch Raven."

Finn walks in the tent interrupting the girls conversation. They stop laughing as they look at him. "Hey, can I talk to Raven for a minute?"

Alice looks at Raven, who nods at her. "Yeah. See you later Raven."

Alice leaves the tent, looking for something to do. She walks up to Murphy as he stands beside the smoke-hut. "Do you guys need help over here?"

Murphy shakes his head, "We've pretty much done everything other here."

Suddenly the smoke-hut catches on fire. Murphy grabs Alice's arm as he drags her away from it. He then glare at a guy, charging for him. "This is all your fault. We told you it was too much wood."

Murphy starts fighting him, throwing punches. Bellamy splits them up, yelling at the two to stop. "Bell, now what the hell are we gonna do? That was all the food!" Octavia yells, frustrated at the situation.

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"Each group takes someone with a gun. But they're for killing grounders, not food. We don't have the ammo. Use the spears for hunting. Get what you can and be back by nightfall. No one stays out after dark." Bellamy tells everyone as they grabs the guns and spears, going off into groups.

Alice picks up a spear practicing some ninja moves, making light saver noises as she does. She is ready for some exploring. Kind of. There were still grounders out there wanting to kill them. The thought scares her.

A hand touches Alices shoulder. She turns around in shock, hitting them in the head with the wooden part of the spear. "People really need to stop sneaking up on me."

Bellamy holds his head as he groans, "I'll keep note of that from now on."

Alice softly chuckles, "Sorry." Bellamy shakes his head, smiling at the girl.

"Have you grouped up with anyone yet?" Bellamy asks as he picks up one of the guns.

Alice shakes her head, "No, not yet."

Bellamy nods, "Great. Sounds like you're coming with me."

"What makes you think I want to go with you?" Alice grins as teases him.

Bellamy smirks as it was now his turn to tease her back. "Come on Tiger, we both know you want some one on one time with me."

Alices cheeks turn red from embarrassment, "I do not."

Bellamy laughs at the girl, "Sure you don't."

Bellamy and Alice leave the drop-ship together, stopping by Ravens tent before they leave. Raven looked upset, packing a bag full of things. "We need more ammo." Bellamy tells her.

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