eleven: fire on fire

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"fire on fire."

"Five to a clip. Let's go. We need to get guns on the wall." Bellamy tells the group as Monty, Raven and Alice cautiously put the gunpowder into the bullets. While Jasper and Harper load the bullets into the clips of each gun.

"Why only five?" Monty asks.

Raven looks over at Monty, "We're running out of gunpowder." Harper sighs, telling the group that we're so dead.

Jasper looks over at Harper, reassuring her. "Don't worry. I got your back."

Monty and Alice scoff at the boys comment. Jasper glares back at them, "You guys got something to say?"

Alice goes to snap back at Jasper but Raven interrupts her, "Hey. Guys. Stay focused. We're doing good. We need as many rounds by dawn as we can."

Bellamy glances at Alice, she looks annoyed and frustrated. He wonders what happened between the trio, knowing they were super close.

Finn hops into the tent chiming in on the conversation. "It won't matter if there's no one left who can shoot. What do we need to build a bomb?"

"Depends on what you're trying to blow up." Raven asks, looking Finn up and down.

"How about a bridge? Murphy says he crossed a bridge on his way back from the grounders camp. Sound familiar?" Finn tells them, looking at Bellamy and Raven specifically.

"Yeah. So what?" Bellamy asks, not understanding where Finns plan is going.

Finn speaks up again, "So the virus is fast. He's already getting better. Blowing the bridge won't stop the attack, but the longer we can delay it the more of us can fight."

"If Murphys telling the truth and that's a big 'if' that bridge has survived a nuclear war and 97 years of weather." Bellamy tells Finn.

"It won't survive me." Raven says, looking at Finn.

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Alice cautiously walks around the area of the exodus crash site, not wanting to hurt herself. Bellamy walks beside her, holding the gun with both hands. "What happened between you three?" Bellamy asks, peering down at Alice.

Alice sighs, shaking her head. "I'm not so sure myself. Jasper just kind of switched up on us because everyones paying attention to him now. He said some pretty hurtful things to Monty and I." She looks back at Jasper, a sour scowl on his face. "He kicked us out of the tent too. I think the friendship is on hold for a while."

Bellamy tries to lighten the mood for Alice. "I could always beat him up for you or take his tent privilege away."

Alice glances at Bellamy, a soft laugh escaping her lips. "No, it's okay. I think I could take him in a fight. Although both ideas would probably worsen the situation but thanks for the offer."

Bellamy smiles at Alice, "Yeah. You've got a pretty good fight in you. I mean, you punched a random creature on day one to help out my sister and punched Murphy in the face. Pretty badass of you, if I say so myself."

Alices face drops in embarrassment, not knowing anyone witnessed the moment between Murphy and her. "Oh my god. You saw that? I thought no one was watching." Bellamy starts laughing at the girls reaction which causes Alice to start laughing too.

"Yeah, I saw that. But hey, I've got extra space in my tent if you and Monty need somewhere to crash. You should know where it is." Bellamy tells her.

Alice nods in appreciation, "Thanks. I'll keep that in mind."

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